Spinal Stenosis combined with Scoliosis has me in severe pain. I am a 77 year old female
Pain control Spinal Stenosis - Cervical Myelopathy
Pain control Spinal Stenosis

Hi Patguin. Have you checked out Cervicalmyelopathy.org for info? Also ask to join the Myelopathy Support group on Facebook. I’m sure that people there will have a lot to say about different meds etc.
I am fortunate and manage with paracetamol and take baclofen to try and release the spasms in my legs.
I have stenosis cervicle, thoracic, and lumbar... plus severe arthritis, also into my jaw, and scoliosis, by age 43. I hurt so bad, I never slept and didn't know how I would live. It took years to find the right combination of medications and lifestyle modifications, and I am now in my early 50 going through spine surgeries and each one is a new struggle. I have a good 24 hour pain reliever, a nerve med like gabapentin, I also take baclofen for muscles, and icy hot rub...lots and lots of icy hot. For me I have also found mid day meditation or naps are essential to allow my muscles to relax. If you don't want a strong opiod, you might look into the butrans patch..it's made from suboxone. It worked well for me in the beginning, I also use ice for nerve pain, heat for muscle pain. As hard as it is, know your limitations, It hard for this once electrician that traveled the world, to realize I can hardly just do a load of dishes or laundry in a day...even if I feel okay, or I will pay for it later. I am still trying to mentally adjust to that, because sometimes the mental struggle with the pain, can be just as hard as the physical one. I wish you well and hope you find some relief.
I forgot to mention, botox injections worked very well for those large knots that tend to develop in the back, if your insurance will pay for them.