Hi I'm June have myeloma can you tell me how to meet other people with myeloma for support
Discussion: Hi I'm June have myeloma can you tell... - Myeloma UK

Myeloma UK have very good information and forum. Do you have any specific questions? There is also a Facebook page..
If you go on to Facebook and look for "UK Myeloma Support Group" you can link up with hundreds of others (sufferers and carers) and find out about local support groups. Myeloma UK is a great organisation which offers a range of information. There are also regular "Infodays" around the country which are worth attending.
Hi June, my name is Garfield and I have just learned today that my brother has myloma. I don't know what to do. He is very shy but I think any support would help him
Did you manage to find a group or other people you could talk to / share your experiences with.
Would be nice to hear from you
hi june
Go on myeloma. Co.UK they can help you