Help: I so need support even with good... - My Cancer Community

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anigma1 profile image
14 Replies

I so need support even with good friends and great hubby. Im finding everyday harder to cope . Im not new at cancer its been a very long 19 years with no remission. I started with Breast then both lungs now pancreas lesions yet to be confirmed but told very likely another spread. Has anyone been recently to Penny Brohn it sounds like its run by Angels, Whats the best way to get the most out of first stay. Thank you

From a very tired of Cancer in my life lady.

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anigma1 profile image
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14 Replies
Penny2 profile image

Hi bless your heart, you have been through so much yet appear so strong, and the angels at the Penny Brohn Centre will help you. I found the 3 day residential course invaluable, and the best advice I can give you is RELAX......relax your mind, relax you body and enjoy the meditations. I found visualisation meditation amazingly helpful, the non-denominational chapel is a place of solace, the gardens sublime...........the whole point of the centre is to escape reality for a while and practice mindfulness and receive healing from within. You will come out of there a changed person, I know I did.

Take great care of yourself and heal

Love and light

Penny xx

anigma1 profile image
anigma1 in reply to Penny2

Thanks I cannot wait to go xx

Helpline2 profile image

It sounds like you've been through an awful lot over the past long 19 years and hopefully Penny Brohn can be of some help to you. It may well be that coming on a residential here called Living Well with the Impact of Cancer may be helpful and give you a bit of a break away from home. We also run the course in different areas around the country and as a 1 day introduction course from our centre in Bristol.

The courses are a great way of finding out about things you can do to support yourself as well as getting support from other group members who may be in similar situations to you. All of our services are provided free of charge, although we welcome any donations, and you're welcome to bring a friend or family member along with you for support.

You can have a look on our website for more information ( or ring our helpline on 0845 123 2310 and we'd be happy to talk through our services with you or just be a listening ear if you'd like to speak to someone confidentially about how you're coping with things. You can also email us on

maria50ec profile image

I'm very new to cancer compared to you, only 5 years! I haven't been to Penny Brohn yet because every time I tried to book there was an appointment or a hospital stay or chemo - always something. But since my stem cell transplant in July and a recent Life Coaching workshop with LYLAC (Live Your Life After Cancer), I am more determined to make it soon. Everyone I know in our support group who has been there says it is wonderful so do go. Our cross-cancer support group which we set up 2 years ago is a life-saver, we meet every week and I can't imagine life with out it now - I hope you have a group like that near you .

fabia profile image
fabia in reply to maria50ec

Hello I am so sorry to hear about your long cancer journey.

I am two years in on my journey and without meditation, and changing my diet and outlook on life as well as clearing out negative people out of my life I would not be as a happy and health as I am today. I also volunteer and offer relaxation to cancer suffers an their carers.

I am sure the PB course will put you on a path of healing your mind as well as supporting your physical needs.

Maria50ec....What is the LYLAC it sounds intriguing can you please give us some more details.

For everyone on this can journey stay strong .......and share your feeling there is always someone out there who will listen and share......a problem shared is a problem halved.

Stay Strong

maria50ec profile image
maria50ec in reply to fabia

LYLAC stands for Live Your Life After Cancer, a Social Enterprise set up in 2008 by Dr Jo Lee and Isabel van der Ven after both faced cancer themselves, to help anyone coping with cancer to regain a sense of themselves, where they want their life to go, find a new balance and live well. They work not only with cancer survivors and their partners, but also health and social care professionals, employers & other cancer related charities, such as Macmillan, either by running workshops of 1-1 life coaching. Google

maria50ec profile image

Should say workshops OR 1-to1 coaching, sorry!

HopeP profile image

The Penny Brohn Cancer Centre is an amazing place. The staff are great, very caring and understanding, they listen, and the advice they give is second to none.

You can can meet others in similar situations which is wonderful support. Try and get there! For your first visit, arrive with an open mind, you cannot fail to learn a lot. X

Rosebud51 profile image

I feel your pain and wish you well with any treatments to come. The Penny Brohn Centre is fantastic! Just go with an open mind and heart, you will be well looked after - your'e right, they are angels. I've had BC

4 times in the past 27 years. The last time, I put myself in the very capable hands of PB, 18 months later I'm back to full-time work and a normal life. Without the help of the PB centre I'm certain this would not have happened. From the minute you walk through that door you will begin to feel better, will meet lots of lovely people who are going through similar things and understand completely.

Enjoy being pampered. Kind regards, Mary

LindaB profile image

Been several times....I can't praise the Penny Brohn Centre in Bristol enough... they changed my whole lifestyle and outlook on life. I would not be without my change of diet, mindfulness, meditation and relaxation for anything. Best place to go to get motivated and feeling so much more relaxed and stronger in yourself. Just act like a sponge and take it all in lol! Seriously it is sooo relaxing. Do hope you feel better in yourself and supported very soon....

Sending you a cyber hug.

Linda xx

anigma1 profile image

Thank you both for the repkies. You have helped make up my mind going..thanks and good luck with your health. Xxx

anigma1 profile image

You all sound so positive . Im told I am and guess normally thats true. Penny Brohn is a great choice by reading what you all say, so booking in the morning. Will let you all know how it goes . Thanks for all the replies xx

fabia profile image

Hi glad you have decided to book yourself your PB will recharge your batteries and allow you to focus on yourself as self care is sooo important while we are all on this journey, you can let us know how you get on.

maria50c .....I have had a look at LYLAC and some great inspirational stuff on there with lots of sign posting to books etc. as well as videos....I live in the North of England, a long way to travel south for a one day course....I still struggle with fatigue. If you or anyone else on this site knows of something similar up North that would be great,

susandoyle54 profile image

I live in Canada so have never heard of Penny Brohn - Sorry I do know how you feel though as living with a non-curable Cancer myself. 4 years remission so far so very grateful for the extra time to live. I do not dwell on it and live each day as if it is my last & that's how I deal with it

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