Hi I was recently diagnosed with mpn awaiting bone marrow am in hospital at the moment as legs started shaking but they say not connected anyway I had bloods done today my platelets have dropped a little but my haemotocrit has got lower and my eosinophil count has got higher my red and white cell are getting lower I wondered if anyone new what this might mean
Haemocrit : Hi I was recently diagnosed with mpn... - MPN Voice

oooh sorry about the shakes ….. surly better to ask whoever is doing the procedure rather than unknown people on this site….. hope it went well for you.
hi it’s not a doctor and can get things wrong but I would copy and paste your message into ChatGPT I normally put in my blood test results to see what it says then ask the doctor if I have any questions from that

hello superburning628, I am sorry to hear that you are in hospital and experiencing shaking in your legs, hopefully the doctors will be able to find a cause for this. With regards to your blood counts, you will need to ask the haematology team for their advice on this and what the plan is going forward with regards to monitoring and treatment, this isn't something that we can advise on. Best wishes, Maz