Switching from Ruxolitinib to Momelotinib.
Good day! Please write how you switched from rux... - MPN Voice
Good day! Please write how you switched from ruxolitinib to momelotinib? Did you gradually reduce the dose of ruxolitinib?

I think you should get expert guidance and monitoring from a good MPN doc/expert on how to do this
Hi Marina
I was taken off Rux and put straight onto Momelotinib unfortunately have had a bad reaction to Momo and am currently on just Hydroxy my spleen is enormous but have appointment on Thursday with haematology hoping for some resolution then
Best wishes to all
Hi. I asked my consultant exactly that question and was told can just stop the rux ( 15 mg twice a day) and start momelotinib (200mg a day). I did, and had no problems stopping the rux. Seems you can switch from rux to momelotinib ( and back) easily.
Thank you very much for your reply. It is very important to me. I will be glad and grateful if you will share your experience of taking momelotinib.
Best wishes.
think I might need to reduce the dose- I’m getting dizzy and have have urinary urgency. But my Hb is going up and I do have more energy. . As I have shared care with a local team its hard to sort out dosages. I switched back to rux for a while. But want to try reducing dose of Mom. Where are you based?
I'm from Russia. My husband has post-polycythemia myelofibrosis. He has been taking ruxolitinib for ten years. But my husband's anemia and large spleen are growing. From 2013 to 2019, my husband and I went to a clinic in Germany every year for a consultation. Now we do not have this opportunity. We contacted our doctor in Germany by email and she advised us to switch to Momelotinib. Unfortunately, Momelotinib is not registered in Russia. Our relative bought Momelotinib in Germany and brought it to us. There is no such forum for patients with myeloproliferative diseases in Russia. That is why I registered on this forum. And your experience is very important to us.
I’m glad to be of help.
Good afternoon! Please write how you are feeling now while taking momelotinib.
Higher Hb, more energy, but also dizziness abd fatigue. On balance, its worth it. Changing the dose to 100mg daily, from 200mg. on alternate days. I had a gastric bypass for ( very effective) weight loss many years ago, so my drug absorption is unusual.
I switched overnight, Rux one day, Momelotinib the next. No problems.
I haven’t had any side effect, so far! I was ok on the Rux but my anaemia was getting worse. Momelotinib has raised my hg but also my platelets so I’ve been prescribed hydroxy alongside it to get them down, hopefully I can be weaned off that.
Good afternoon! Please write how you are feeling now while taking momelotinib.
Hi, I feel ok, my platelets went up when I cut the hydroxy to every other day, but went back down when I went back to every day, currently not taking the hydroxy on a Saturday, not had a test since I started doing that.
My haemoglobin stay’s just over 100, it used to be around 75. I feel well, occasionally a bit nauseous in a morning but I take Gaviscon for that. Unfortunately I have put weight on. I know most people with MF lose weight - I haven’t! Momelotinib does increase the appetite.
Hope you are ok.
Hi Lizzie: meant to ask if you were offered:tried EPO injections to help the anaemia.
Yes, I’ve been having them (self administered) twice a week for about 18 months. I presume they help keep the haemoglobin up, haven’t been off them to see if it drops!
So despite the EPO injections twice s week your haemoglobin was low. I couldn’t cope with having to keep it refrigerated: it clipped my wings too much for travelling- even within UK. Hadn’t realised that missing the odd injection wouldn’t be the end of the world.
But I do have more energy on mom.
Yes,I feel better on it. Just been down to our sons in Dorset for a couple of weeks (260 miles) so had to take EPO with me, in a cool bag with a freezer pack. Then when we’d been there a couple of days they had a 12 hour power cut, so just had to hope their fridge stayed cool enough that it didn’t deteriorate. I expect I’ll find out after my next test in a couple of weeks. I really don’t know if it does anything. It’s a nuisance to keep injecting and store.
Hi. I was on Rux for 9 years and then had to change to Mom about 8 months ago. My Rux was reduced down to half my dose and then moved onto Mom. I had sickness at first so took anti sickness pills with the Mom. It is now tolerated without sickness. My bloods are not too good now though as not working as well due to progression of my MF. I am at high risk of moving from MF to leukaemia. I have decision to make now about Stem cell transplant.I wish you well with Mom.