A huge Thank You! shout out to all knowledgeable leads and help on this Forum. Esp the advice to advocate for myself. Arranging a second opinion didn’t go down too well with my heamo/oncologist but it certainly gave me more insight and some suggestions to have more looked at.
For one, a neurologist has found that the excruciating pains in legs, ankles and/or toes are not all a side effect of my PV!!! I’ve got carpal tunnel in both feet and some metatarsal inflammation between toes and will need orthopedic soles….
Don’t want to bore you with all the details, including some abdominal and pelvic anomalies …
Suffice to say it wasn’t all in my head after all. Thank you, again, for giving me that push and extra courage to keep pursuing.
Good health to you all - we stand united in our quest for continuing to live life as best we see fit and not giving up.