Hello, just a little thing…I have recently started swimming 3 times a week (am training for a sea swim) and am having a 15 minute sauna afterwards. I wanted to share with you all how amazing I feel after the sauna! I’ve never been into them before but I’m finding that the heat/steam is really helping me with aches/pained/headaches etc and I feel as though I’ve had a day in the sun after each one! If you can get to one give it a try, I really think they are therapeutic and I’m sad that I haven’t found them before now! 🌞🌞
Sauna support : Hello, just a little thing…I have... - MPN Voice
Sauna support

what a coincidence.. I’ve just found a place near me to swim and sauna and steam. Havnt joined yet but you have spurred me on . Thank you.
Was even thinking 3 times a week. ..
Not going to sea swim though in winter……
That’s great that you found something that helps and thank you for sharing with others. I have found a very similar experience with moderate exercise and sweat suit. I myself try to loose 2# of water weight then replenish throughout the day. Maybe this has the same effect as a sauna?? Although hard to get going, once I get it done it makes such a big difference in how I feel I can’t afford to not do it. This may not work for everyone but might help others get some ideas that will work for them. My plan is to make age appropriate adjustments and listen to my doctors but as for now they say keep doing what I’m doing.
Love hot yoga! Love the steam room! It’s so relaxing!
That's very timely info for me I recently discovered the joys of sauna and sea combo and was wondering if it was something that was ok to keep doing (recent diagnosis and I keep remembering things that I forgot to ask the med team!). Sea/sauna and yoga are my go to activities for feeling good afterwards so don't want to give them up.
if you are feeling good swimming and having sauna how can it not be good for you. ? I would think you would feel negative effect especially whilst in sauna …
Well, this is good information. I have an infra red sauna in my master bathroom and I have wondered if it would be beneficial. I think it would feel good but wondered what effect it would have on platelets. Any information on that?
I don’t have any info on saunas…I just drink a LOT of water! X
yes, and I struggle with drinking water so that is a big concern
it’s hard to remember to drink enough sometimes. I try to fill up a 2 litre bottle and always have it where I’ll see it to remind me to drink. It’s surprising how quickly I can drink it through the day! 💦💦
if I’m making a cup of tea, I’ve got in to the habit of downing a pint of water or squash while it brews. Not for everyone!
ooh! As previously year round sea swimmer in Dorset, very interested if you too are in that county. Wondered if you are training for Pier to Pier?
I would love to find sauna/steam follow-up spot.
Slightly held up after breaking shoulder bone 3 weeks ago in very heavy fall. THE PAIN!! Platelet level will rocket after so much codeine. Heyho. Determined to have goal to return to.
I've just discovered swimming too. 50 lengths 3 x a week and I'm happy bunny. Recommend to all!
Swimming is the best medicine for PV especially if you can enjoy in the sunny outdoors!! Have been swimming for over 35 years and find it's so therapeutic especially when the joints are achy and can't run anymore. I do the hot tub after swimming but only to stretch. Will try the sauna......would think it rids the body of toxins. Swim on!!! Kerry
I also swim and sauna. I swim in the ocean here in Hawaii and I have an infrared sauna at home which I try to use four days a week because I have read that that gives you the best health benefits. I noticed that it is very good for aches and pains. In order to drink enough water which I don’t normally do I have started to make it a habit to have a large full cup when I wake up and large full cup on my way home from swimming or hiking, and then again several cups right before a sauna. I find that having a habit of when to have water really helps since by nature I don’t think to do it.
I don’t know it’s a fact on platelets, but I think that it’s certainly cannot be harmful.
so glad that you found swimming and sauna, and that they make you feel good which is so important! wishing you the best🏊♂️
Hi there, good to hear everyone is seeing the benefits. The only caution and I need to check this as may not be a problem, is that blood cancer is inflammatory and so tolerance to high heat situations may be less. I got this feedback from a consultant about got weather as was wondering why I was really suffering when it was hot. So was wondering whether the same would be true about a sauna? I hope I'm wrong as it does sound good for the body.
Hi, I wrote that re saunas months ago and since then have used a steam room more than a sauna. I, like you, find intense heat difficult so the steamy heat seems easier for me. I used to love heat/sun and spent as much time as I could it in but now find the sun for any period of time can make me feel quite sick, I put it down to a mix of Hydroxy and menopause! X