Who has ET experience very dizzy whole day and leg pain knee pain …
Who has ET experience very dizzy whole day and l... - MPN Voice
Who has ET experience very dizzy whole day and leg pain knee pain …

I have PV/ET and get dizzy, full head and malaise most days, it's esp bad in mornings. There are ok periods.
Hi Shiela23, I have ET and was diagnosed when I was 18, I am now 48. I also get bad leg pains it is always in the same leg and it comes and goes but it always comes back. I monitored it and thought it may of been linked to my period cycles ( now menopausal so they have stopped) but could not say for sure if this was the case but I definitely get this too. I also get from time to time feelings of being very dizzy as soon as I get up I am all wobbly and this can last for hours.
Thank you for your reply… yea mee too im feeling wobbly whole day how do you handle it? What to do to get better this wobbly feeling??? Thank you
Dizziness can occur with ET. It may be a microvascular symptom but could be something else. Some people find relief with a higher dose of aspirin (81mg bid). I would definitely consult with a MPN Specialist about this symptom.
The knee pain may not be directly MPN related, though the deregulation of the JAK-STAT pathway does make us more prone to inflammatory issues, I was having significant pain in my left knee. I had the hyaluronic acid injections (Synvisc) in both knees. It solved the problem effectively. Suggest consulting with an ortho-doc (who works on rehabilitation not just surgery) about what is going on with the knee,
ALl the best resoloving the issues.
I was diagnosed with ET in 2008 at age 52 that progressed to MF a few years ago. Dizziness and the wobbly feeling you describe have been part of my life ever since. I used to be a special needs teacher but I had to leave because it became too demanding. I’ve been working from home selling insurance for years. As far as the knee pain, I used to get that too. When I changed my diet, it went away. I reduced my sugar and carbs tremendously. I do suffer from many other aches and pains, but not knee pain.
All the best.