Can taking a statin (as well as established Aspirin therapy) have any affect on platelet count? On either a good or bad way for someone with ET?
Thank you
Can taking a statin (as well as established Aspirin therapy) have any affect on platelet count? On either a good or bad way for someone with ET?
Thank you
Hello peachjoy - not as far as I am aware - certainly when I was on aspirin only and also starting statins there was no change at all in what my platelets were getting up to. Very best Anne-Marie x
The answer is maybe. Thrombocytopenia and leukopenia are listed as potential side effects for atorvastatin (Lipitor) and simvastatin (Zocor).
As with all side effects, just because something can happen does not mean that it will happen. In this case if the statin did reduce your platelet levels, with ET that would not necessarily be a bad thing. The bigger issue is that if you have elevated cholesterol and thrombocytosis, that is definitely a bad thing. It increases you risks of adverse events. The cholesterol issue very definitely needs to be addressed.
Please be sure to review this with a MPN Specialist for accurate information and to ensure an optimal care plan.
Just to add to what Hunter has written, statins - especially the higher-intensity ones, such as Atorvastatin - go far beyond lipid-lowering; their so-called pleiotropic benefits include reducing inflammation and shrinking/stabilising existing plaques, which are clearly of benefit to MPN patients who have cardiovascular risk factors. For a long time it has been suggested that many, many people could benefit from taking a low-dose statin - independent of their baseline cholesterol level.
I’ve been on low dose (20mg) statins for 18 years, not because my cholesterol was particularly high but because both my GP and my haematologist at the time agreed it was a sensible precaution in view of my ET. No suggestions it had any effect on platelets as those continued to rise until I started Pegasys.My cholesterol remains mid range and my platelets are now under control but my current doctors’ view is to keep taking the low dose statin to avoid any increase in cholesterol and as I have no side effects. I’ve recently switched from Simvastatin to the newer Pravastatin to see if that helps control my blood sugar too, as I’m now at risk of type 2 diabetes also..!
I was already on statins when subsequent blood tests picked up rising platelet levels which led to ET CALR diagnosis. I am still on them!
I was started on the higher dose of statins for frequent episodes of angina. My cholesterol was fine, my cardiac blood vessels were fine, the statin was to increase the elasticity of the smallest blood vessels? It was thought they went into spasm. Every time I was admitted to hospital more drugs were added or doses increased. The statins and aspirin helped.
I had raised platelets but it wasn’t investigated until I saw a Rheumatologist for the joint pain some years later. I had all of the unpleasant symptoms of ET for years before it was diagnosed, and then some more from Hydroxycarbamide.