Does anyone have any specific views on having the flu jab when you have ET JAK 2 positive? Not sure if it’s a good idea.
Flu jab: Does anyone have any specific views on... - MPN Voice
Flu jab

I have always been told by the team at guys that having the flu jab is a good idea.
My docs all say YES! I always get one. Benefits are definitely worth the minimal risks.
Yes it is.Why not?
It’s definitely a good idea, especially this year with the COVID-19. Highly recommended.
Yes l had mine already agree it’s very good idea
Yes very important to have the flu jab, also the pneumonia jab is very beneficial and you only ever have to have once, especially while we are in the grip of a pandemic that start with flu like symptoms and then can lead to pneumonia.
You are protecting yourself, the only one they advise us not to have is the Shingles vaccine, as this is a live culture and not good for us, also to avoid children for 48 hours when they have their flu jabs at school as these also are a live culture, strange I know but schools warn parents that anyone with a compromised immune system i.e grandparents, to avoid being around children after their jabs
Definitely a good idea I have one every year
Yes! More important than ever this year. Atb,tina.🤗
Absolutely! No hesitation whatsoever! Imperative this year (and apparently it’s a good match).
Don’t hesitate, go for it!
Yup. I’ve had one for years as recommended by my GP and other health professionals. I always argue I don’t need one and they disagree.
Here’s what they said:
This year in the UK, it’s going to be made available to everyone over 50. Irrespective of health conditions.
It’s aim is to keep the hospitals free from winter flu patients in case those beds are need for COVID-19 patients.
And if you do get flu, you are less likely to be able to fight off the COVID-19 virus.
Go for it.
I Have ET and Jak 2-spoke to Haemo nurse at hospital re Flu Vac-she said no risk to me -to have vaccination-and that I am wise to have it!(Have been having flu vac for quite a long time before I knew what was wrong with me(ET)!
I have always had one with no bad effects, I would have one if offered this year but so far no go on that front. It is supposed to also help against Coronavirus but who knows if that is true. I have Jak2ET too.
I have been told at Guys to have it and have been having it every year for a number of years. In Jan I was really sick with what I thought was flu but suspect it was Covid and it took me over a month to get over it so take any protection you can against these viruses.
Oh god! Hope so, I’ve just had mine!
Already had mine, I'm also ET Jak2+
My health team recommend I have the jab each year. I wish everyone keep well.
Have that every year, especially our condition.
Got mine too.
ET Jak2 have had flu jab for years. Swear I get less colds now too
I am ET jak 2 positive and my hematologist said I should get one so I did 2 weeks ago. No complications whatsoever. I usually don’t get them, so was a little nervous, but ended up being concerned for nothing. I also plan on getting a shot for shingles today...the first of 2.
Yes, good idea, had mine.
Definitely needed I have had it for years since diagnosed with ET and consultant always checks it's been done ! Don't miss it!
Got my flu shot today. Told it takes about 2 weeks to work, so this is the perfect time to get it. I have ET but CALR not Jak2. Since COVID-19 is still very active in GA and the USA where I am I'd rather be cautious and I've gotten the shot every year! I have also never had the flu since getting the shot.