Hello! Does anyone know what’s happening with the Nutrient trial now? The page about it on the MPN Research Foundation website just says ‘FINAL ANALYSIS HAS CONCLUDED AT THIS TIME’ - does anyone know what that analysis is, or where it can be accessed???
NUTRIENT trial?: Hello! Does anyone know what’s... - MPN Voice

I tried looking for it & failed. They released the survey & there's no mention of any results, even google search.
Same here Fee. I might try emailing them using the contact details and see if there’s any response. I’ve been following the diet myself and would love to know what they found.
Hello Lucy,
What is this diet that you have been following? I have never heard of it and neither of the MPN diet trial.
wearempn.org/interestedinen... - this needs updating, enrolment was in 2017! But it should tell you a bit about the trial. I found out about it too late to oartixupate, but I’m interested to know what the results were.
No, I have googled too. Let us know if you get any resonse to you email.
I would like to hear more about this . I wasn’t aware of this trial and very interested to read more . Can you put the link to the trial please . Thanks
wearempn.org/interestedinen... - this is pretty much all that’s online. There was a call for participants in 2017, and I think the trial results are being analysed now but can’t find any more info online. I’d love to hear from anyone who actually took part in the trial.
- I’ve emailed the trial contact address, and will let you know if I hear anything back...
Any update on this trial? Did anyone ever hear back?
Hi Lucy, thanks for the update. i couldn't find the links on your bio, but will keep a look out for them. Thanks again, Beth (Fernie)
Hi Beth!
Here’s the link to the trial current status - clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show...
And here are links to 2 articles about it - mpninfo.org/wp-content/uplo...
🧡 Lucy