246810: any one with polycythanemia had a hip... - MPN Voice

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any one with polycythanemia had a hip replacement

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Polly-PV profile image

Hi, I have PV Jak2+ and am due to have my right hip replaced mid Jan next year. I have just had the pre op assessment and am waiting for my admission date via letter any day now. Much love, Poll x

in reply to Polly-PV

Hi thanks for ur reply I to have jak 2 had second pre op on wensday should have had it done six month ago found I had mild sleep apnea they said I could have surgery done over Xmas but the thought of going in so quick really frightened me so I have decided to have it done in January it will be before my next venussiction I have started to feel a lot better since I have started to talk about it to someone u understands I did have a stroke six years ago which was caused by a clot but everything is fine now I just wish I had my hip done and I could get on with my life again thanks again I wish u and all ur family a happy Xmas james

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to

James,I have had three ops in the 8 years of my P V,

Recently a fractured femur,I have been fine...have a stent too and asthma....I am 77yrs young,so don't worry ,all will be well.Best wishes.

in reply to Inca

Thanks very much for ur reply here’s me worring about having my hip replaced and all that uv been through ur certainly a very brave lady hope u have a lovely x mas James

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to

Same to you James,many of my friends have had hips replaced...I don't think there is an anaesthetic involved...and you can watch if you want!!!I watched my stent put in on the screen and chatted to the surgeon and nurses,it was fascinating......Joyeux Fetes!

in reply to Inca

inca ur more braver than I am pity I couldent take u with me when I have it done uv talked me into it all ready James

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hi Inca hope u all had a nice Xmas got date for hip replacyment 25 jan all blood work came back ok James

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hi polly hope u had a nice x mas just wondering if u had a date for ur hip replacyment yet I am having mine done the end of January James

in reply to Polly-PV

hi polly hope u had a nice x mas just wondering if u had a date for ur hip replacyment yet I am having mine done the end of jan providing everything is ok james

Polly-PV profile image
Polly-PV in reply to

Such good news James! No more pain huh? I rang on Tuesday to see if they’d allocated me a date yet....yay!!! Fri 2 Feb. I was so relieved I cried ... well, after 14 months of this, you understand I’m sure. I get a visit from the hospital on Jan 23 so they can assess chair heights, loo seats etc and I then have to stop taking my daily Clopidogrel on the same day ie 10 days before the op. Was told I may have to stay in a couple more days than usual cos of the PV-they just want to keep an eye on me. Soooo where are you at with it all? Much love, Poll x

in reply to Polly-PV

polly I have been in to the hospital they had four that were having hips replaced and four that were having knees replaced we all talked about the surgery the good points of the surgery and the risks and we were allowed to ask any questions about the surgery ye I did ask quiet a few know one in there ever heard about polycythanemia so it was good that I went along then we were all measured up for loo seats chair heights etc i was also told to stop clopidogrel 10 days before surgery I was having breathing problems they discovered I had mild sleep apnoea so I will need to bring in my cpap box and they will put me on it straight after surgery suppose it was lucky they found out about it before the surgery much love James

Polly-PV profile image
Polly-PV in reply to

It seems you’re well on your way James, I truly hope all goes well. The bit I’m not looking forward to is self administering the tum injection to guard against clotting! I’ve told my daughter she has to do it as I’m not sure I can bring myself to inject myself but guess if you have to, you just do. Keep me in the picture, James, with what’s happening next for you.... apparently, we’ll be bouncing around like Tigger in about 6 weeks!! Much love, Poll x

in reply to Polly-PV

Polly I hope so I did mention this to the surgeon he said seen as I will be of the plavix for 10 days they might put me back on it 2days after surgery that’s plavix copogodriel I think he may want me to take some aspirin before surgery he said but I have to check on that James

Polly-PV profile image
Polly-PV in reply to

Let me know what happens James x

in reply to Polly-PV

of course I will polly I will know by next week James

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hi polly been to hospital today all bloods came back good brought my date forward to 25 I stay of plavix 7days before surgery and aspirin they said I can start on plavix next day james

Polly-PV profile image
Polly-PV in reply to

Hi James, how did your hip op go? It was the 25th wasn’t it? Let me know. I go in on Friday. Poll x

in reply to Polly-PV

hi polly my surgery was cancelled on the morning or surgery I was going down at 9 my dermatis flared up I was so dissapointed because it was next day the suergon thought it was an infection my dermatology reports were missing from my file

Polly-PV profile image
Polly-PV in reply to

Oh no! How disappointing for you 😢 when are you next scheduled to go in now? X

in reply to Polly-PV

seen as they cancelled I will go right to the top of list suergon a secretary said it will be about 3 weeks polly I suffer with artopic dermatis had a flare up just before I was due to go down so dissapointed it was gone next morning if the surgeon had known he could have gone ahead but my dermatology reports were missing from file polly I am struggling to get these messages so I may need to register on here again

hi I’ have polycythanemia primary having hip replacyment tomorrow wil I be ok

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