Hello all! I'm looking for your opinions and experience with this. I work as a math interventionist at our local elementary school. Several other duties are included-data entry, morning supervisor....
My problem is that by 12:00, I can't think straight, I'm forgetful, and I hardly have the energy to talk, let alone teach. When I mentioned fatigue to my Oncologist 6 months ago, he laughed and said I'm just like his wife-not realizing how much I do throughout the day. I don't think he gets it! It's really bothering me, especially since we are still in the first quarter of the school year. I get anxious thinking about having to do this 5 days a week through May. And to top it off, my headaches are getting worse again.
I take 1000mg Hydrox/day. This is the lowest dose I've been on for many years. Surely, it isn't just the medicine? I didn't feel this bad when I was on a higher dose.
How do you all deal with these issues? Any ideas on what I should do? I know the stress isn't helping.
But on a lighter note------I'm gonna be a grandma!! March can't come soon enough!
Thanks for all your help!