Hi I've got PV and vision from my left eye is just a bit out of focus - just wondered if anyone had the same issue. It's not blurred but just almost a bit double when reading things a little bit away. I've got glasses anyway so it's just a bit of a pain !
Vision out of focus: Hi I've got PV and vision... - MPN Voice
Vision out of focus

Hi Chris, I have PV too and do get some blurring which sometimes lead to ocular migraines where I see flashing lights, it's like looking through broken glass accompanied by headache the last time. I maybe suffer about 1-2 a month but it varies.
I think anything that's different for you is worth getting checked out. It may be nothing at all but it's obviously worrying you so put your worries to rest by seeing an optician or GP.
Kindest regards Aimexx😺😺 PS keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
Thanks Aime ! It's probably been like it for ages thinking but it sort of comes and goes - might also just be partly tired at end of a long week !!. I've got my next appointment with consultant in a week so will ask then. I'm by too worried as I've just had tests last week got my HCT to low 40s and hemoglibin to like 142. C x
Definitely get it checked. As you know PV can cause bleeds, including bleeding of the vessels to the eye. If a blood clot occurred in one of them it will result in blindness so please get yourself to your optician, better safe than sorry. Don't want to scaremonger but any change that concerns you should be mentioned.
I have had this but have Et. Optician visit worthwhile
I also think you should get an eye doctor exam and think you should do so ASAP. The problem may be unrelated or related to PV but prompt treatment may be needed to limit permanent visual damage. A tool I use is the Amsler grid which helps to categorize the type of vision loss especially when compared to your normal vision. I use the Amsler Grid app I downloaded.
Thanks ..I spoke to an optician he did not think it was serious but I'm going to see them tomorrow. Amsler grid is interesting, I just did that - good news was no problems ! My wife had a look this afternoon and reckons there's a stye developing so that could explain it.
Appreciate all the feedback
I have had it off and on for months but I have ET. Had vision checked, now making an apt for a retina Dr.
I had ET, now changed to PV. I have been experiencing vision loss, but have been to opticians and been checked and have no problems, a very slight change in prescription but not enough to warrant a change in my glasses, I have pretty poor sight anyway!
I would liken my poor vision as being like having very tired eyes. I do notice that my vision is also effected by my fatigue.
Hi I have been having blured vision for a while. Even went Opticians who said it was floaters. Mine is right the agree it's a pain.
Keep smiling and don't let it get you down.