He is just now on a drip so he's in a good place to get the best care ..he knows we are sending our love to him on mass !! Twinkly xxxx
Our J.R. Sent a message ,,hes out of isolation b... - MPN Voice
Our J.R. Sent a message ,,hes out of isolation but very limited access to Internet so can't really reply to us !

Hope Santa brings him some good health for Christmas, he deserves it. X
Good news,was wondering how he was getting on,pass my love and best wishes to him and family if you can Twinkly,thank you,best too you too xSally
Lots of love JR xx
Very best wishes to you both. Andy
💓 xx
Good news!!!
Great news. Keep smiling Chris and hope you are better for Christmas xxx
Hi Twinkly, please keep sending all our hugs to him. Aime xx😺 best wishes to you too. Tell him to hurry up and get back on the forum, his cheeky face is missed greatly!!xx
Good news Twinkly, been wondering how JR was doing, missing his wit and wisdom. Let's hope that he will be home for Christmas.
Jean xx
Huge big huggles from Edinburgh for Chris the smiler. x
To Chris and his family, good news. Love Gill.
Thanks for posting an update Twinkly, that great news. Luv and hugs Chris xx
Thanks for the update Twinkly. Hoping Chris will continue on an upward trend. If prayers can move mountains Chris we should all be able to "get you moving" again with all the prayers and good wishes. God Bless. Janice
Best wishes sent your way from westleight!
Dear Chris - every good wish for a speedy recovery! Can't wait for you to be back on line! Many thanks to Twinkly for keeping us up to date! Take care, lots of hugs and love to you both, Sue
Great news Twinkly. Keep up the good work Chris and not forgetting all the dedicated staff helping you back to health. Look forward to you being back on the website again when you are better.xxxx❤
He's had such a hard road. Really feel for him he seems such a positive person. I so hope he's strong enough to make it home to his family for Christmas. Thanks for the update Twinkly hope you're feeling good - another really positive person!!! Merry Christmas to you both and everyone else in the forum - let's see what 2016 brings us!!!
I send you a special ladybird!
Especially for JR from Newcastle.
Good luck, lots of love and can't wait to see you on here soon x
Aww, good to hear :). I'm sure he's on Santa's 'nice' list so finger's crossed he's able to be home for Christmas. Sending hugs. x
Thank you for the up date Twinkly.
Ahhhh come on JR., stop messing about now. You've had enough of a lie down!!! It's nearly that tinsel time so get off home to be with
your family-Twinkly can't keep sitting there peeling grapes! Much love winging its way to you from the south coast, Poll X
If ladybirds are lucky I'll send you more and more
Your friends on here I'm sure you'll see
Will send them by the score.
And love moves mountains so they say
So let us show you ours
And get you on the level road
With all our loving powers.
Our friend just needs a helping hand
To get him back on track
And when we see you here online
We'll say 'JR Welcome back'
My thoughts and love are with you Chris. Get better quickly brave Jedi. love Mel xx
All good wishes JR -- hope you are feeling better soon.
Sending Chris healing thoughts and prayers that he will be home and healthy soon
Great to get feed back , wish you well jR , xx
Best whishes fingers crossed and all that get well sooooon x kisses
Thanks for posting this, Twinkly, and glad Chris knows about the outpouring of love we are all sending him. I have been really worried about him during this silence and so relieved to hear how he's doing. I too am hoping Santa brings him good news and good health xx
We all miss you Chris. Hope you feel better soon xxx
Sending much love xx
Thanks for letting us know Twinkly. Hope your doing better Chris and hope you will feel stronger soon x
Hi JR - I have not responded much - tough year - but I want you to know I am thinking of you and pulling for you - from America, and from `uk where `i am now. Thoughts and prayers to you and family. Marilyn
Just seen this post ,
Chris I'm sending you huge Geordie hugs
Your way ,
Now get well very soon & get your Santa suit on & say hello to a new year of good health & happiness xx
Good luck Mate x