Afternoon from sunny kent ! Does a true diagnosis of ET or PV mean a BMB, is done to most people with elevated platelets and jak2 postive results π
Bone marrow: Afternoon from sunny kent ! Does a... - MPN Voice
Bone marrow
Oh i see , guess it will need to be done at some stage π

I had a BMB to confirm the diagnosis of E.T. A t the time (10 years ago), JAK was not routinely checked. I am JAK negative. The BMB was not very painful, uncomfortable for a short while.
Yes it been a concern on my part that consultant may suggest i have one , i have heard so many horror storyies about a BMB in past , not from this site i must add , but now im jak 2 postive and mt platelets still rising my other blood cells okay at moment just platelets so well see... but up till now its this ET , thank you all for replys. rgard Holly
My understanding is its not always necessary now, if JAK 2 + or CALR and symptoms seem typical of PV/ET then a diagnosis can be made without.
A BMB may be needed if there is any doubt to the diagnosis.
okay thank you Paul42
I was diagnosed with PV Jak 2 positive, 9 years ago by blood test. I only had a bone marrow biopsy 18 months ago to provide a baseline before starting Hydroxicarbamide.
Kind regards
okay Judy thanks for that best regards Holly
I am PV with Jak2 pos and on Hydroxycarbimide every day but the doctors have not mentioned BMB so maybe it doesn't have to happen in all cases, I wonder why?
So often the Hemos are shaking your hand good-by before you make yourself comfy. That's when I get shirty. Not enough info at any of my monthly consultations.
Yes its been a bit like that with me ! im just wondering if for me being early diagnosed if it be done further down the line , my bloods being monitored regulary and will start the hyrocarbonide end june i have had info given to me on that drug ! regards Holly
Hi Catwoman I think Osidge is on the right line as Im fairly sure if you had MF you would have had a BMB as standard to aid accurate diagnosis. . Or if there are any signs that your PV or ET is transforming to Myelofibrosis. I have just asked for a BMB as a measure of the progression of my MF. . I'm not sure there was much of a sample when I had my first one and Im hoping it isn't what's called a dry tap as this could suggest the level of marrow fibrosis has got much worse. Good luck to you and Im sure you will be OK on the Hydrox...
Regards JR x
Very kind of you , thanks RJ makes sense what you say π
Hmm cheers thats a first. . you are lucky as that means I haven't yet imbibed enough 'falling over juice'. . . ''Oi - another tinny please missus and don't throw it this time''. . . OUCH
Haha , but meant to say good luck for your bmb results
Aye thanks for that Im sure I'll 'man up' for it. It's not summat I ever thought Id volunteer for but I need a full assessment of precisely where my MF is at after almost 9yrs and owt that fills in the picture for those folk making the assessment is all to the good. . . Ah Happy Days.
I was scared of having a bmb, however the worst part was when the doctor doing it asked whoever was assisting for a bigger "needle thingy" (I don't know what they're called) - a longer one was needed to get through the "padding", shall I say, on my ample hips!! It didn't hurt, a bit uncomfortable for a very short time, and they gave me gas and air so I didn't care anyway! I had my diagnosis of ET confirmed by the BMB. I am JAK 2 negative. Best Wishes to all.
Ha bless you Lizzziep, made me chuckle , and although im slim im very hippy pear shape i think the word is im okay even with blood tests longs i dont look hehe regards Holly x
When I was diagnosed nearly 7 years ago I was told that my blood tests were ambiguous although I had platelets over 1,000 so a BMB was needed for confirmation. Turns out I am jak2 neg. but I do have ET. My haemotologist says that BMB are not so common now for diagnosis because of advances in the tests. It was a bit uncomfortable but not painful. No gas and air in my clinic.
okay thank you
Hi they were 510 at last bloodtest up till last year my platelets were always normal in 200 range so steadly been rising rest of blood okay at the moment