This has been driving me crazy for weeks, I just can't clear my hearing, blowing my nose, yawning etc is just not helping. Its making me dizzy and I am terribly fatigued at the moment. Work is a nightmare, I just can't think straight - is this ET related. I have tried ear drops but nothing is happening. Any advice is welcome.
Can anyone advise about blocked tubes in the ear... - MPN Voice
Can anyone advise about blocked tubes in the ears. Its like when you get water trapped in your ear but it doesn't clear.

HI Mallard, I would advise you to see your GP or nurse practitioner (if you have one at your surgery) to get your ears checked to rule out an ear infection and to find out why this is happening. Maz
Thanks Maz - I know it sounds the most obvious thing to do, but with all my previous symptoms of ET there was nothing anyone could do so I just figured self help was the answer if it was ET related. I will take your advice though - thank you.
Hi Mallard, I too have suffered with blocked ears for quite a period ie from February to June this year. When I was diagnosed with ET in Feb I already had a cough/cold and after two 13 hour flights in Feb/March I put the blockage down to that but when it did not clear I was prescribed two lots of antibiotics even though the Drs could not detect an infection in either ear. On my 3rd visit to a different Dr. she did detect an infection and a 3rd dose of penicillin did the trick. I was also on a nasal spray, Beclometasone Dipropionate. I would also hold my breath and my nose and "blow" causing pressure through my ears which then popped and this seemed to help, although I have heard its best not to do his too often, but don`t know why. On this occasion I did not blame the ET or the hydroxycarbamide for the problem although it does get the blame for everything else I have suffered since being diagnosed!
Thanks sksar, I intend to visit the docs and get it sorted. I admit to a tendency to blame everything on ET, its probably a habit I need to break.
Hi Mallard, I had the same thing lasted a couple of months Dr could do nothing as I had tried everything, then I read somewhere that with ET our body can make excess histamines so I went on antihistamines and after about a week it cleared, I do notice I am now susceptible to it coming back though. It nearly drove me crazy to have it so long.
I have PV and had the same thing a few years ago. Doc said it would clear on its own in a few months and it did. I still get it from time to time but now take Cavonia Herbal Mucus Cough Syrup and tat seems to clear it. This dry weather with high pollen makes it worse. Mark
Thank you all so much for your advice, I am prepared to try anything. x
Mallard, Prior to my diagnosis I had issues with tinitus and blocked ears which I had syringed at the GP.
Although I have not had any further issues with blocked ears I still have issues with tinitus which I am pretty certain is connected to my ET. I believe the 75mg Aspirin I take daily is a contributory factor. Aspirin is a well known cause of Tinitus.
That's worth knowing. thank you
Hopefully you have been helped by now but if not, my only answer was to get tubes in my ears to help drain the ENT did this right in the office not bad and what a relief, although once a year i have to go back because for some reason (and its usually PMS week) they move. so he just replaces them. Hope this helps
Hi Babyru1798 thank you for your reply. Believe it or not I have not had any respite from this. Had lots of infections just before Christmas and took the opportunity of mentioning it again while I was at the GPs. He checked my ears and they were clear so he has referred me to ENT as I have tried everything over the last six months. Hopefully like you I will get some relief.
My case is apparently one in a million, but I write so people insist on a specialist.
I had liquid filled ears for about 3 weeks before I went to the doctor with incredible frustration. He cleaned the wax, but I knew this wouldn't help as when I put my head on my knees or lay down, they cleared; obviously liquid. 2 days later I went to another doctor who said "not life threatening" and looked at my ears drums saying they looked fine and he 'd never send me to a specialist with this. At this point I was 5-6 weeks pregnant and turned to the internet finding it could be normal in pregnancy. I was disappointed to be stuck with it for 9 months , but I'd take anything to have a healthy little baby, even the debilitating fatigue which I assumed was pregnancy too.
Finally, cut to the chase , one month later I'm in hospital with blood clots in my jugular vein and subclavicular vein. The liquid in my ears was caused by the inflammation of the veins. Obviously this is an extreme case, but if something is not right with your body we need to demand investigation.