Hi there I'm on 8mg increased from 4mg will they work this is my 3rd day taking the increased dose.
Re : canderstan : Hi there I'm on 8mg... - National Migraine...
Re : canderstan
Hopefully they will..it took a few weeks before they kicked in for me...i think around 12 mg I've just went up to 24mg today .They have definatley improved my migraines but in saying that this has been a really bad week I'm hoping its just a flare up and that its not a case of the candesartan has stopped working ..have you had any improvement
You really have to wait for them to kick in: 2 - 4 - 8MG for me. By the time I saw a turning point at 8mg mark, I had been taking the meds overall for 8 - 10 weeks.
Are you still on 8mg or did you go higher ..I've just increased to 24mg
Have been told I cannot go higher for now due to low blood pressure, but I am seeing results anyway.
Do you get many migraines now .
Yes, every other day, but with only needing to take one aspirin which is miraculous in itself. Altho I am currently now going cold turkey to get meds overuse out of my system.
Like Gemma I am on 24 mg daily and also like her have had really bad week. Didn't notice any effect till 16 mg. I have been advised to increase to 32 daily x
Hi I'm due start candersaten in the next couple of weeks. My blood pressure is on low side so got to start low and slow. Hope it clears the constant thick head and tiredness.
Candesartan has been a lifesaver for me. I started with 2mg once a day and have gone to 2mg twice a day. I started on January 24, 2014. I've vomited once since then. Have a mild one occasionally, but can usually take a little something for pain and keep on going. I hope y'all have the same results. Good luck.
Did any of you have that thick head feeling and tiredness in between attacks find the candersartan help?