Anyone heard of this. A woman posted she had been suffering from migraines most of her life but since she had this done hasn't had one for 2 months
Accupuncture point: Anyone heard of... - National Migraine...
Accupuncture point
Please avoid piercings.
Why if there's a possibility it works?
I suffered from migraine since I was a child, I tried many remedies that were recommended, including Feverfew. Nothing worked. I was told yoga would cure me, it did not. Gradually the attacks increased and I noticed many things were happening, I had severe nose bleeds, heavy blood flow, plus clots during the menstrual cycle, I had a scrape for that. The clots cleared but the heavy blood flow did not. I carried on living as normal a life that I could. Unbeknown to me, the hole in my heart was growing larger until I had surgery. It seems the hole was the size of a ten pence piece. I did not have any migraine attacks since then. I was placed on Warfarin for AF, digoxin etc.
I have a bleeding disorder, I have to take care of what I do because of the bleeding, and the bruising. The nose bleeds did not stop, I had blood spots in my eyes, it was not the warfarin, the INR levels were in range, I had my blood pressure checked, it was high, I was placed on tablets for the hypertension, once it was controlled, the nose bleeds stopped and my eyes are clear now, I have glaucoma, or ocular hypertension. I must be careful of how I cut my nails, I found my gums bled when I flossed my teeth. I dread falling over and cutting myself because I know I will bleed. Fortunately the bleeding does not last long.
My last blood count showed I have low platelet , it seems I have had the condition for some time. I cannot blow my nose because I will have a nose bleed. I still carry on living as normal a life as I can. I cannot bend over to my shoe laces and if I see a bundle of cash on the floor, it will have to stay there, I don't want a nose bleed.
I can go on, if it will help.
Check out the website for thrombocytopenia.
I wish you well, I am unable to have a tattoo or acupuncture and I am sure I cannot have my ears pierced, I did have when I was a child, but my ear lobes were always sore and sometimes enflamed. I took my earrings out and allowed the holes to heal.
Again I wish you well.
I'm really sorry you are not a sit able candidate for the daith piercing however I think people who are and have tried most everything else should certainly give it a go. The worst that can happen to some people is that it doesn't work and they have lost their money. I am waiting for results of haematology blood tests in the meantime as I have stated before if I thought piercing my brain would stop these damn awful migraines, I would do it. I hope you find what works for you and I'm so glad the operation was a success and stopped your migraines