To take the job.
Thank you.
To take the job.
Thank you.
I imagine she might have to fill in a health questionnaire or go to occupational health before starting the job - a lot of job offers are dependent on you passing this. But lots of people who have migraines are able to work. It would be up to the airline. In my experience of dealing with occupational health checks for new jobs I've found that being up-front with them about the migraines helps, especially if you can explain what you do to keep yourself well. Most of the time they aren't worried at all.
It all depends if flying triggers her migraines. If she can fly with no ill effects I couldn't see a problem. Hope it all goes well for her!
I wouldn't mention I have migraines but it depends what her triggers are. For me a plane is one of the worst environment: the air con, the perfume, heat... I woudn't work on a plane for all the money in the world.
surely she informed them of her migraines before thy offered her the job?
Per Teadrinker - I'd recommend honesty at any medical - not doing so is likely to cause problems.
I also don't see why it should rule out the work, though it might need some planning/adaptation
A long time ago I used to take an ergotomine (very old fashioned medication) for migraine. I had problems with air travel as well and then I had a migraine just before a long haul flight ... and found that having had the ergotomine the travel was much easier and I actually managed to read a couple of books on the flight.
Nobody is quite sure what causes migraines but the pain does tend to be related to pressure in blood vessels in the brain. I guess the pressure in a plane can do something similar which is probably why the ergotomine worked for me with travel sickness.