Migraine Support | HealthUnlocked

Migraine Support

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Nerve Blocks

Hi I have previously had nerve blocks done in the back of my head but with no ef...

CPAP and Migraines

Has anyone used a CPAP machine? Of so have you had more migraines due to the mas...


Have any migraine patients in United Kingdom had VYEPTI INFUSION 300mls yet.? Di...
195fifi profile image

Has anyone tried HRT to help with migraines?

I have never been on HRT and went through the menopause seven years ago but hav...
Headache123 profile image

CPAP & Migraine- update

I just wanted to give an update. I though this would be a very easy process and ...

ocular / visual migraines

I am already diagnosed with two autoimmune disorders recently I have been suffer...
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We are a peer support community for people living with migraines.

Here we share our experiences, ask questio...

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