Does anyone have experience of using Suma... - Migraine Support
Does anyone have experience of using Sumatriptan for treating migraine atttacks, positive or negative, please? (Also known as migraleve ultr

Hi, I've taken it for acute migraine attacks a few times. I rarely have attacks without aura so I don't need this one very often. My experience was positive though. Good luck.
I use Sumatriptan and find then quite good - not excellent but at least they take away the pain. WHen I have an attack I also get the visual effect as well.. I reason I dont really like them is that they make my tongue very cold and numb and havinf Raynauds as well makes that bad. My migraines are usually over my left eye and it hurts .... boo hoo ....
I have used Sumatriptan on and off now for a few years and I find it always treats my symptoms especially if I take an hour's sleep following taking it. I am not aware of any side effects. I tend to get a pain over my left eye and become hyper sensitive to noise and bright light as the first signs of a migraine ... often it is associated with a feeling of nausea in my throat and gut
Hi Jezzamck yes I have used Sumatriptan and found it to be really effective! I was on it got many years but my neurologist changed me now to zomig nasal sprays which I take with diclofenac as quickly as I can when an attack starts with para Max too which has an anti emetic for nausea. Instead of my headaches lasting for 3 days now and having to be hospitalised at times, now they last just a few hours which is great! Good luck!
I get regular migraine so use sumatriptan, brilliant works most times in about 20 minuets. it is only meant though for severe attacks and should not be used as a general painkiller on a daily basis, neither is it meant as a preventer.
Hi Sumatriptan, when I first started taking them helped however the last couple of times have not worked, last Tuesday had a migraine took sumatriptan did not work at all
Hi Jezzamck,
I have been using Sumatriptan since 2009 and have found that they work brilliantly for migraine. I experience two types of headache/migraine. When I get the pain behind my eyes and a throbbing head accompanied by nausea, strange sensation in the back of my mouth and occasionally shooting stars I will take 100mg Sumatriptan and it usually takes about 20mins to work. I know the information says to take it as soon as the migraine begins and I try to do this but at times I have taken once I'm sure that it's a migraine, sometimes a good while after I feel the strange sensation in my throat and it still has worked well for me. I have heard anecdotal evidence of people who find that they suddenly stop working for them when they have been successful previously. I'm not sure if it's possible to develop medication headaches with this drug so I do use it sparingly, i.e. once I'm sure it's a migraine and not occipital neuralgia.
To prevent the migraines I have recently been prescribed beta blockers and they seem to be working well and so far there have been no side effects. Since i've been taking them I have only had two short lived migraines which were averted by Sumatriptan. This is a considerable improvement as the pain was pretty constant since I had to come off morphine and gabapentin. It was an annoying change in the pattern of the migraines but one that I have been pursuing since June 2014.
I've finally found a neurologist who specialises in headaches, he made his diagnosis after about 10 mins of consultation time and a physical examination. I have been seeking help for such a long time and felt a bit of a twit for shedding a tear when he said that he was fairly confident that he could help me. So far he has been bob on with his treatments.
I hope you have your migraines under control.
Kindest regards,
Many thanks for your helpful comments.
I can get a good result from it most of the time. My migraine are usually connected to my menstrual period, the familiar aura, nausea and man with a hammer taking up residence in my head. If I don't start with the pain relief as soon as I know I will need it I'm in trouble!
Works well enough if I take it in time.
I started in the earlier days taking Migralieve but ended up taking prescription-strength painkillers, triptans and preventives. Sumatriptan was awful for me - didn't do anything positive, just made me feel worse and even brought on unwanted nausea.
It gave me a bad upset stomach,but it workrd
It was good for me for a number of years. Then the migraines began coming nearly every day. The only thing that gave me any relief was sumatriptan but in the end I was taking so many I ended up with medication over use! I'm very wary of any triptans now. Luckily preventative meds are working.
I was prescribed Sumatriptan a few years ago by my GP having suffered with bad migraine including loss of vision, speech and paralysis down one side since I was about 7. The doctor used to have to come out and see me when I had one and give me an injection - not sure what it was but it wasn't very convenient having to do this every time I had a bad migraine. I have found the Sumatriptan to be fantastic but it literally knocks me out, if I take it while I'm sitting on the sofa I can barely walk into the bedroom afterwards so I can't take it at work or when I'm out and about. I usually get myself home as soon as i feel the onset of one, take my tablet and go straight to bed.
Sumavel DosePro needless injection is what I have used. Same drug just a different route of administration. I use it when nothing else works and it has always helped. It stops the pain & nausea/vomiting in about 15 minutes or less and The only drawback is that I am tired for about an hour after I take it and will take a nap.