I started to take melatonin three years ago to help get to sleep and stay asleep. My starting dose was 3mg. Huge mistake. Much too much. I felt awful, had nightmares and woke up with headaches. So then I did what I should have done from the beginning, i.e., researched the correct dosage. Apparently, the optimum is just under .3 mgs. .3 is a tiny amount but it works. I get to sleep quickly, stay asleep, feel great, no headaches. So, I recommend you buy 1 mg capsules. Open them up. Tip a third under your tongue . Close the capsule - a bit fiddly but you'll get the hang of it. Keep what remains for the next two nights. Even my husband, the world's greatest sceptic, now takes melatonin. Obviously the manufacturers want you to take high doses, the higher the dose the more money they make. Take the correct, minimal dose and you'll feel a lot better - and richer!
Correct dosage melatonin: I started to... - Migraine Support
Correct dosage melatonin
I took 5 mg it made no difference, I have chronic migraines so wouldn't noticed that and always feel particularly bad in the morning aswell as sleep seems to make me ill. I'm struggling to cope with interstitial cystitus so I don't sleep longer than in hour slots, I'm exhausted all the time. Maybe it might worth a try again I've still got some melatonin.
5mg didn't do anything for me either. I have a friend who takes 20mg but I'm not willing to try that much
Just curious, have you done a sleep study? Might be helpful in finding a treatment. Good luck
Sorry I know answer was a long time ago but I only just saw it. Not sure what you mean by sleep study I was assessed by the sleep services but they said there was nothing they could do.
It is a test while you sleep, to see how you sleep. If you are breathing normal. If you get into REM asleep and how long you stay asleep.
Have you tried some meditation techniques? As you are laying in bed ready to sleep count how long you take a breath (usually its 3-4 sec) the match your intake to out take. So breath in 3 sec. Then breath out the same. This helps a lot.
Good luck