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All posts for June 2019

Sperm ejaculation

Hi I got a problem.When I masturbate my sperm coming quickly but when i have se...
Spermm profile image

Balancing Act

For several years now I had balance problems as a 76 year old, otherwise fit and...
Palioly profile image

Pain near testicles

I've been having some (slight) pain for over a year now near my right testicle (...
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Hi ... I’m hopping someone is there and can help me. I’m not in a very good plac...
Ben0 profile image

Perianal burning and itchyness

Hi all.. Some background: I was suffering with mild hemorrhoids over 2 years ago...
Makie profile image


Hi, I've just joined the forum after being diagnosed with EO. I've been prescrib...
UK_bloke profile image