Foreskin restoration : Am i the only... - Men's Health Foru...

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Foreskin restoration

36 Replies

Am i the only guy here that is restoring foreskin? Most of the posts im seeing are about guys getting circumcised ? Unless you have phimosis,or a medical problem with your foreskin you should not get it removed,i was robbed at birth with my foreskin. Luckily i was loosely cut and the restoration process is going really good. 4 years of weekly stretching and im half way to having full flaccid coverage. Im aiming for full erect coverage so another 2-4 years and i should be done. Is anyone else restoring,id love to hear from any guys doing what im doing?

36 Replies
S2BC profile image

I'm sorry for cultural genital cutting without your own consent. I've read it is not that common anymore in Australian continent. Genital integrity should be human right for all gender, not female right. Luckily you were not cut that tight that your skin cracked and bled by erections. And it is easier you to restore. Take care.

Sorry Philippines, Turkey, most of the Arab countries, some countries on African continent and Caucasus, Canada, UK, Israel, Germany and USA. Cult of involuntary non-therapeutic genital cutting is disgusting.

in reply to S2BC

I agree with you 100 %. Any genital mutilation should be illegal and banned.

Mubbles profile image
Mubbles in reply to S2BC

To be fair it’s uncommon in the UK,92% are uncircumcised,the majority of the remaining 8% are mainly from ethnic and religious groups that have imported the practice due to cultural reasons and beliefs.

jaglad profile image
jaglad in reply to S2BC

It is very uncommon for children to be circumcised in the UK. It is carried out for certain Religions and by Parental request. Unless their is a medical need it will not be done on NHS.

marcin0701 profile image

Good to hear you’re going for it and not giving up. Pity you lost your foreskin without consent. We can agree such stories shouldn’t happen but they do so it’s great to see you fighting for your cause. Myself I’m the opposite site of the spectrum so can’t add much but at the time when I was convinced that my phimosis issues can be treated only by circ. I remember founding one of those restoring forums and reading a little about it. One for sure need a lot of dedication and then I can imagine are the factors such as shame and isolation because you have to wear this weird thing on your willie. How are you coping? Hope its all right

in reply to marcin0701

It works good for me as I'm on a disability pension so I have lots of time to wear the device. Once you get used to it you don't even feel it on there until about 2 hours later. I totally understand that circumcision is sometimes the only way to fix penile problems such as phimosis and other problems that some males have, but to take a fully functioning foreskin at birth just because it was the fashion is so wrong in my opinion. Another 2 years and I will have completed what I set out to do 4 years ago.

Rood_A profile image
Rood_A in reply to

Sorry, but genital mutilation is the last way anyone would want to deal with phimosis. Simple tugging does the job in no-time at all ... with absolutely no loss of sensitivity (unlike the effects of brutal amputations).

in reply to marcin0701

Thats a shame you got circumcised,there are ways now to fix phimosis without circumcision. Ive watched quite a few techniques on stretching the opening over a period of time and lots of men have had great success,but in some circumstances there is no option but to remove the foreskin. A fully functioning foreskin is just a wonderful thing, it has so many functions and is natural,and looks so much better than a circumcised cock in my opinion.

JohnNicola profile image

I am older than you and was cut in Oz but never learned about restoration until I was well into my 50s. Glad to hear you are getting good results. Too bad there's not a separate group of Health Unlocked for guys following the path you are on.

in reply to JohnNicola

Yeah that would be good,there are other groups that ive looked into but what ive researched its not worth the time,there are a lot of assholes that are too opinionated and have no respect for others.

JohnNicola profile image
JohnNicola in reply to

Yes, that is all too true! That is why I would like to see a group within Health Unlocked for those who are unhappy with having been circumcised and/or are in the process of restoration. Within Health Unlocked there is a credible level of monitoring and a commitment to civility.

You will get all back after Foregen will get the human trails done and organize the whole procedure, Restoration just makes your glans less dry, you like it not the glans of the penis is an INTERNAL organ, not a external, it is by nature covered by an important special skin tissue

in reply to

No not with every male that restores his foreskin,my glans has dekerotised and is shiny now instead of being all dull and not sensitive. Every male that restores his foreskin will have a different outcome,some will be like you say but i was not cut tightly and had my corona covered all my life,so the restoration process is a bit easier for me than someone that is cut tightly.

in reply to

And as for foregen i will be fully restored by the time they get around to doing successful regrowth. Then theres the cost,my restoration has cost me 100 bucks approximately-foregen will be charging patients thousands for the proceedure which a lot of guys cant afford.

in reply to

Are you Circumcisied since birth or adult? It is a good thing you have some sensitivity back, but you still lack the ridged band, part or most of the frenulum, the foreskin tissue has a wet environment inside it, there is veins and all kind of nerves that gives you 100% natural male experience

in reply to

Circumcised at birth,i have my frenelum intact and as i said im well aware of what a natural foreskin is all about. Im not expecting to grow a natural foreskin as i said,but i will have skin covering my glans. I dont think you really understand what im trying to say here so we will best leave it at that before it turns into something that it shouldn't and might get reported.

in reply to

Some sensitivity lol,i will have full sensitivity once im finished the process bloke. If you care to look up chuck on the DTR website you will see what he has achieved and then you might understand a bit more about the process.

in reply to

And the other thing i want to say to you is i have at least 60% more sensitivity now than i did before I started restoring my foreskin and im only half way through the process. Im well aware of the glans being an internal organ,im 54 yrs old and have studied a lot of medical literature on the male reproductive organs,and have been researching foreskin functionality and the purpose of the foreskin for 20 years. Ive also researched foreskin restoration methods for 10 years before i even started restoring my own 4 years ago. So im well informed on the subject as i wanted to know as much about the subject as possible before i started my process and discussions about this subject with others.

Cutwoody profile image
Cutwoody in reply to

I also am restoring. I’ve made a lot of progress I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks.

Stones331305 profile image

It is strange how we all differ on circumcision… like every male I was born with a foreskin…but for all of my life I had wanted to be circumcised… 64 years old I did need to be circumcised because of phimosis & I’ve got to say I absolutely love it…. Having my glans exposed all the time feels amazing to me…… not saying either way is right or wrong just sharing my experience.

in reply to Stones331305

Aren’t you bothered by the glans frictions? It is quite uncomfortable to mustarbate even with lubricant, the sensations are not the same, I feel nothing pleasurable, what makes you different from me

Stones331305 profile image
Stones331305 in reply to

I don’t know really….. maybe it’s because all of my life I wanted to be circumcised…my glans being exposed & rubbing on my boxers doesn’t irritate me at all…. in fact I find it pleasurable & exciting… yes masterbation is different but I/we use some lube & I love the way either my hand or her hand glides across my glans….I last longer which she loves so it’s a win win situation for both of us 👍

in reply to Stones331305

Glad you like yours, mine doesn’t find comfortable touching the glans, I don’t find it pleasurable I find it annoying and just difficult thing to enjoy somehow.I remember I had no difficulties mustarbating with my foreskin, no discomfort like touching the head exposed (month and few weeks in)

Is there any special type of lube needed? I never used these before for about anything sexual, no need at all (the spit or wetness all I ever needed) now I’m struggling to adjust to that

Stones331305 profile image
Stones331305 in reply to

Try using Durex Feel Lube…. or KY Jelly Lube 👍

Cutwoody profile image

I am also restoring. Nice to see someone else is. I do understand the reason some guys choose toCut. However I think that if I had been given the choice I would have tried everything else before I had the foreskin removed. My progress has been great.

BexyBoy profile image

I’m lucky enough to have been born in the UK where we leave our boys intact. I’ve always enjoyed my foreskin with only a mild problem arising now and then over my 71 years. These were always easily resolved with creams etc and more recently regular application of coconut oil as a preventative measure. Your efforts will be well worth it and I admire your patience and perseverance at righting a serious human rights violation that was done to you.

richlandfarmboy profile image

I too started restoration at 60 ears old after I had lost all sensitivity. Sex life was over. I started researching and found the culprit. Being from the US, there is no shortage of ignorance. People and doctors too look at you with total puzzled look on their faces. I have yet to convince anyone to restore their foreskin. It shows the entrenchment it has in the US. My restoration has moved pretty well. I have had full coverage after 2 years. but still have a little more to go. And it is great.

Uncutdad profile image
Uncutdad in reply to richlandfarmboy

I can support your restoration. Im naturally intact. And glad. But it’s justSkin. It stretches. Try a trumpet mouthpiece. Cheap, effective, can wear all day and pee through it.

WalkingOtter537 profile image

Can foreskin be restored completely? I'm a Turkish man circumcised against his will as well and want it back but mine isn't loosely cut. Can I still restore completely or even if I do, will it be the same?

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply to WalkingOtter537

Well, it depends on what you think is completely restored. I would say no, but you can stretch your skin to be like foreskin.

You can not get back those different amount of nerve endings on tip of the foreskin aka ridged band. No one can tell you for sure what was your frenulum like or would have been your frenulum like, when you grow.

When restoring foreskin, you'll get the same amount of nerve endings what are on the stretched skin. Not more than that.

When you are Turkish man, you were not genitally mutilated at the age of 0-1, but later around 7-11 yo? You were too young to masturbate on that time, anyway. You probably don't know what you are missing. I'm sorry for you all victims of genital mutilation aka non-therapeutic, non-consentual ritual.

WalkingOtter537 profile image
WalkingOtter537 in reply to S2BC

Thanks, your comment really helped a ton and unfortunately yes, I was cut before I could even retract it so I could never feel any of that.

WalkingOtter537 profile image
WalkingOtter537 in reply to S2BC

I heard you guys talk about a process called dekeratination and was wondering if I can get my penis shiny and sensitive again if I restore it?

S2BC profile image
S2BC in reply to WalkingOtter537

There are faux foreskin available. If you'll use them like 6 months every day and night some dekeratinization will occur on your penis head/glans. Your glans will get used to new covered situation. The touch of you clothes, your hands or partner can feel different, sometimes irritating.

There are still the same amount of nerve endings than before. Have you ever moisturized your penis head with emollient cream or coconut oil. It will shine that way too. There is one thing I need to mention. When you have a foreskin or restorated one, it will trap some of your pre-ejaculate aka precum and it doesn't smudge you underwear. You can find more information for foreskinrestoration/stretching on reddit.

Then there is a company called foregen. They are trying to develop some sort of "human skin". I don't know more about it, but I do doubt it, cause you can regenerate skin cells for sure, but you need to have nerve system integrated to your body too. Without nerve system it is just flap of skin, non sense of touch at all.

WalkingOtter537 profile image
WalkingOtter537 in reply to S2BC

Okay, I think I'll try to get as much info on the topic as possible before starting my recovery. Thanks for helping me out!

richlandfarmboy profile image
richlandfarmboy in reply to WalkingOtter537

To dekaritize, I went the cheap route. I use plastic stretch wrap over the gland with a rubber band just tight enough to hold it on. Strech wrap is the plastic material they Industries use to wrap around skids of product to secure it. Leave it on 24 hours a day. Just don't forget to take it off when you get up in the middle of the night to take a pee. It only took a few weeks. When the plastic wrap has an oily film on it, you should be done. You are now producing your natural oils again. You do need to keep it covered though, until you have some pretty good coverage from your foreskin.

Varrome profile image

Hi mate, can you give us an update on your progress? I'm seriously considering trying restoration and would like to hear from someone still going through the process. Thanks

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