Hi, I started feeling ill on 12th February 2023 with high fever, uncontrollable shivering, projectile vomiting and diarrhoea. Thought I had food poisoning, then the headache hit me which I put down to dehydration from the sickness. After 3 days I felt I was getting worse and made contact with GP practice. They called me and weren't happy with the symptoms and asked me to go to accident and emergency. My adult daughter took me there and the triage nurse said I had to go because the doctor said it was a GP problem as I'd been ill for 3 days. It had taken me all my effort to get dressed to go to the hospital and I just wanted to lie down, so went home again. That night the headache was so bad I couldn't even sleep a little bit through it, so called 111. Woman told me it sounds like a migraine and to have a candlelit bath to relax. Obviously didn't do this as I could barely make it to the toilet by this stage. I then started getting blisters all inside my mouth, on my lips and hands. I messaged my dad asking if he could take me to a walk in centre as I couldn't get a GP appointment. He came over and drove me straight to a different accident and emergency. I waited 13 hours and was told they were admitting me as I seemed to have viral meningitis. They did a lumbar puncture and a days later came in to see me saying it was all clear, there was nothing wrong with me, I could go home. By this stage I was worse than when I'd been admitted and was delirious, confused and hallucinating. My dad went mad and said it may have come back clear but there is clearly something wrong, I'm not taking her home, you need to get someone else to come and look at her. They called a different consultant who did an assessment and immediately put me on iv antibiotics and did more blood tests along with asking for further tests from the CSF from the lumbar puncture. Eventually came back that I had bacterial meningitis and sepsis, they had only tested for viruses and hadn't even had the results all back when they wanted to discharge me. I spent 10 days in hospital and due to the bacteria they found bacteroides fragilis, they did scans to see how it had got from the bowel into the blood and found I have diverticulitis. I am now back at home and feel better than I did but was basically discharged with no information or follow up appointments/ plan. I was told I'd get an appointment through in the post for a colonoscopy to check for bowel cancer but that it is. Nothing, no advice whatsoever. I have the worst night sweats ever, I went through the menopause 12 years ago so I know its nothing to do with that, and these are far worse than those were. I have a terrible pain in the back of my chest which I thought I was having a heart attack, they did an ecg and said it was normal, but noone can tell me what this pain is - they've guessed its thoracic spine sprain but who knows. I'm dizzy, permanently tired but can't sleep, and can't seem to hold a verbal conversation very well as I can't concentrate on what someone is saying to me. My youngest daughter is doing her a levels and i just fall asleep whenever she tries talking to me about her work, as I cant process what she is saying. I'm irritable and crying all the time. This just isn't me. I know its early days and I know I'm really lucky to have escaped as unscathed as I have.
Has anyone found anything that helped them no matter how bizarre, I'm willing to try anything. Ive been drinking what looks like swamp water trying to build up immunity, good gut bacteria etc. Ive been eating very healthily and doing all the things I can think of to try and help. Ive been into meditation for many years and have tried to do this but have been fairly unsuccessful although I keep trying. Ive been trying to walk a little each day to get some fresh air and a little exercise but this exhausts me. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.