Fort Ord Meningitus 1969 basic training ho... - Meningitis Now

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Fort Ord Meningitus 1969 basic training hospitalized need health records for VA benifits

clevehubbs profile image
2 Replies

Hi to all you people out there!

My name is Cleve I was estatic to find this web site. I have nit been able to access any medical records about my getting meningitus during boot camp Jan 1969. I was found on my bunk when a suprize visit was made to our barracks by a 1st Lt.He came over to check why I was not at attention Iwas so sick he had to lift me up He rushed me to there base hospital and I woke up days latter as soon as I could stsnd up and walk I was sent back to finish my Basic Training I was glad to get away from the in human treatment we suffered I wonder if any one else out there was in basic at the same time? If so I wish we vould talk. We were not just under the normal treatmrnt you expect it was brutle I went in at 194 lbs and was 143 lbs when I got sick ( about the 6 th or 7 th week We were starving and was eating food mixed with rain & sand We slept in rooms with all the windows wide open at night it was said to keep us from getting meningitus. we were gassed with out masks there were men who colapsed from exhaustion and hit with rifle butt they were kicked one little guy was made to carry a boulder he was not seen again after that day We didnt know that this was not normal they had us so scared we just did what we were told There was much more they did to us but the last day we were all called to attention outside and the company captin and head drill sargent said to us " if anyone asks you about any misstreatment you would be smart to not say anything" and as if to hint we would not graduate from basic! No one did then that last night our drill sargent came in and said Iam going to throw a beer party for you So we all chiped in our money and he never was seen again

any way I was shipped out to Germany but was not ever physically well again but I was to imatuer to understand why I was so weak and sick I never complained or tried to get medical atten all I wanted to do was finish the Army and come home

Back home my life was plauged by sicness about 25 years later I finaly got some medical attention and pursued social security disability I was required to see if I had any benifits coming from the Veterans. To my suprize they said let try to open a case so they did mean while I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrom ( which I know now was with little doubt the meningitus had but it never acurred to me It took 4 years to win my Social Sec case but mean while The Vetterans had a hearing before a military judge and they said contact us as soon as Social Sec grant your award . So I did and they was quick to give me a award for back pay and then said if the money I recieve from Soc Sec ever drips below there alowable income that they would pay me . so I had a full non service related disability. but later when I tried to get some help like some small benifits either a small monthly check or even medical help I was not only denied but was treated like a crook or worse How there attitude had changed Over the years I would return again & again to seek medical help but the best I could do was cancel my Meidcare insur and then pay a big deductable of hundreds of dollars to recieve help . fast forward to 2014 I start hearing from people that they were now granting us vets heath treatment and I should try again. they also said the reason that they run me off when I went to the VA was because that small settelment back in 1993 was a pay off so I wouldnt ever be a liability to them again.

Well although that did mKe sence I wasnt to sure but Iam bow 71 years old and tried to again get some help And was flat denied Then a worker in the veterans affairs open my case and is now working on it

I told her about my meningitus in boot camp but they have no records of any one being sick at Fort Ord. (so they say) Im having all this touble and reports are showing that hearing problems cause Dementia and depression anxiety but I have had terrible hearing a loud hissing noise sio long I forget It there but that dont mean it hasnt been crippling me all my adult life.

So today I do a google search on hearing and memingitus and find it is commected! then I typ in Fort Ord.... And wow i find you guys what a revelation! so now I am hoping to find someone like me who has had meningitus or related issues with Fort Ord in Calif. the base is long gone but they must have records on the oned treated there . of course they could lose them and nobody would be the wiser.

please excuse my typing I am almost blind and have a terrible time trying to typ but if any one can help me out I would be extreamly appreciative

maybe I will find a friend that went threw basic at the same time!

Thanks for reading my long introduction but if you have alot of my back ground you can be better able to hep me and hopefully, Visa versa !

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2 Replies
Jtbear profile image

Hey Cleve. My name's Jim and I was at Ft. Ord in March through September 1969. I caught meningitis in April and was hospitalized for more than 2 weeks. When rotating out, they claimed the had lost my medical records. I tried several times to claim benefits from the VA, but since I had no records to back me up, I was denied EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I finally just gave up.

clevehubbs profile image
clevehubbs in reply to Jtbear

Thanks Jtbear for contacting me what a stroke of luck to hear from someone who was there when I was Id really like to talk with you sometime maybe I can be some help I have been fighting to get some benefits all these years. now a friend has been showing me how to file an appeal

anyway it would be great to share experinces about Fort Ord I live in SanBernardino Ca Phone is 909 653 3429 if you text me I can be more likely not to miss you, It was amazing that I seen your message I almost missed it I dont keep up with my email especially this meningitis sight they have flooded me with emails! never herd from anyone, so I was not reading them anymore.

you must be about my age Im 70 bet you have had a life of bad health Man we really need to talk! I look forward to talking to you Jt

take care

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