Hi All
I`m new to the forum and hoping someone can help me with this! I contracted bacterial meningitis and scepticemia as a teenager in 1994 which left me in a coma. Fortunately I recovered but with some hearing loss which was well documented in my medical notes at the time. However, I also found that whenever I walked or moved, it took a split second longer than it should do to focus my eyes, even years later it still feels like my head is kind of bobbing and I cannot steady it on the horizon. I can't really explain it, I remember mentioning it to my GP at the time who had a medical term for it but I can't remember what it is! I don't think it's labrynthitis but has anyone experienced something similar? I've learnt to live with it over the years but have recently become curious to find out if the condition has a name. Any help gratefully received.
Thanks, Lisa