My daughter (aged 23) had bacterial meningitis B almost 11 months ago.
When she was in the ICU she said that she couldn't see very well in her left eye and when she came home after 12 days she was able to tell us that it was the central vision in her left eye which was affected.
She had a follow up appointment with the consultant after 3 1/2 months and mentioned this to him (she had told her GP who said to ask the consultant). He said for her to get an eye test.
She went to the opticians, who did note she had central visual field loss, so he referred her to the hospital ophthalmology department.
After a 7 month wait, she had her appointment this week. The optometrist said as soon as she got in the room that he thinks it's something called entoptic phenomena and that the meningitis didn't cause it. He said it's because she has really pale skin and therefore a really pale retina. He did briefly examine her eye and test the pressure after he'd made his diagnosis, but that was it; we were in there less than five minutes!
So I have a few questions that I hope someone can answer.
1) has anyone else experienced partial vision loss after meningitis and how does it appear to you?
2) has anyone been told it's this entoptic phenomena?
3) what tests can be done to see if this is actually nerve damage or damage in the brain?
The sight in her other eye is good, but she has to strain to see past the blind spot with her peripheral vision in the left eye, which makes her eyes tired and gives her headaches. The eye doctor didn't see this as a problem and basically said get used to it!