Hello everyone , I was diagnosed on Monday with VM following a lumbar puncture. I was sent home on Wednesday to recover, sleep is all I do but the headache n neck pain is still unbearable. I'm so weak when usually such an active person. Praying the head pain goes soon
Newbie: Hello everyone , I was diagnosed on... - Meningitis Now
I can totally sympathise with you, I was diagnosed on Saturday and home Wednesday. I think the symptoms stay for a while after but if the headache isn't going it may be leaking spinal cord fluid and will need a blood patch to fix (this is what I had). Perhaps call the hospital back?
Good luck and I feel your pain xxx
This is usual following VM and lots of rest is essential in order to rest your inflamed brain. It might be a good idea to look at Meningitis Now website to read about the after symptoms and recovery time. I tried to get up and about following my diagnosis but made myself much worse. So rest, rest, rest .
My dr has just said to wait about 10 days as the headache can take that long to subside . On day 5 , yikes !!!
Thank you everyone for replying to me ,
I am experiencing neck stiffness again today 2 weeks post diagnosis. Is this normal?
Unfortunately doctors think all types of meningitis are the same and they all take about 2 weeks to recover from. VM is not the same and I'm afraid it can take some time to recover. As Bonkitty says rest is the only solution, there will be times when it drives you nuts but if you try and push through it you will go backwards. I had near fatal VM 15 years ago and I was off work for nigh on 6 months and have been left with some after effects all of which my doctor told me was impossible. The good news is that VM and post VM is not a life sentence even with after effects. In the 15 years since my VM I have completed several triathlons, long distance bike rides and 3 half ironman races. It just does take time I'm afraid and you may have to amend what normal feels like, at least for a little while. If your doctor tries to tell you that your post VM symptoms are nothing to do with the illness ask them how many people they have treated with VM. It's not their fault they say these things it's what they're taught in training. I was discharged the day after almost dying because 'VM is never worse than flu' and sent home to recuperate. Three days later I was rushed back in with no discernible blood pressure and heart rate dropping through 27 as a result. I'm now a volunteer community ambassador with Meningitis Now so if I can help further please message me. I have also written blog posts on here about my experience of VM I think if you click on my profile and select posts that'll take you too them.