Hi everyone. Feeling really low today... Trying to talk myself up but hoping someone here can help also. Just want to be healthy and happy. Thanks for any replies.
Ugh.. Depression : Hi everyone. Feeling... - Meningitis Now
Ugh.. Depression

Sorry to here you are feeling low today. Why don't you give the Meningitis Now helpline a call. They are great at listening and a brilliant support. I think to hear a voice and be able to engage in a two way conversation is more helpful than this virtual community when your feeling low. Or Maybe if you say a bit more about why you are feeling low, on here, then we can be more understanding and helpful in our responses. Best wishes.
Hi! I'm in the u.s. So I haven't contacted the meningitis helpline. I'm not really sure why I'm feeling so low. I guess I'm just really confused and unsure of everything since vm and it just really gets me down. I have a lot I want to talk about to family but I just don't feel they understand so I'm not sure it will help much. I so wish this was better.
Sorry I didn't realize you were from US. I looked at your profile and as it didn't say I wrongly assumed you were from UK. I suspect that your initial relief at having got through a more serious illness, as a few months have passed now, the reality of what you went through is now in your mind. Also it does take time for the inflammation of the meninges to settle down even with viral meningitis. Plus I note that you have two little ones so I guess you haven't been able to rest and recover as much as you needed. I can identify with that. Do you have a partner/husband and extended family to help you? I think a lot of us experience the problem of family not really understanding as unless you have been through something it is difficult to have that appreciation especially as on the outside we often look ok! Are there any counselling organisations that you can access because as you say yourself there is a lot you need to talk about and maybe someone outside the family would help you and they can support you with what and how you say things to the family. In the UK as well as the specialist organisations e.g Meningitis Now, we also have organisation such as the Samaritans that you can phone if you are troubled and need someone to talk too. Do you have anything like that in USA? You say that you are confused and unsure of everything since the VM.......wondering if it would help if you tried to talk about that here?
Best wishes
Thank you! I know I probably need to have some counseling and haven't really looked much into it yet. I'm not really sure if we have anything like that here. My dad had bm so I would love to talk to him except he was only in 2nd grade so he really doesn't remember much aside from the hospital stay and not being able to walk for a little while after. Fortunately for him, as I'm sure they weren't pleasant memories. I think what you're saying is somewhat right as in I was relieved to get through the initial part but didn't realize it would last so long and have such an effect on me emotionally. I was sent home from the hospital with no medicine. Just told to take Tylenol. It's very hard to feel like the Drs did not give you any idea of what to expect although I'm sure they just don't know. Was hoping to connect with someone else from u.s. Here and see where they looked to for counseling or guidance. Thank you for replying. This website and the people here have been more helpful than anyone so far.
I also am not the best at talking about my feelings on a normal situation so to have all of this happening only makes it harder to have all these feelings but not be so good at talking about what's in my head! I tend to bottle things in which does not help.
Good morning Jwire,
Sorry to hear about your depression. Please know you are never alone, this is just a part of your new normal, But......there is always light at the end of the tunnel! Focusing on the positive things in your life truly help. Light exercise release endorphins which can reverse the depression symptoms. Remember good nutrition is imperative! B good to yourself- do things that make you happy, You deserve it!! Will keep you in my prayers!!
If you click on the down arrow by your profile name on the bar at the top of the page it brings down a menu. If you click on 'people near me' you will be able to see anyone who has identified themselves as being in America, although some don't like you chose not to. If you then click on the names you can read their profile and any posts and see if there is anyone with similar circumstances to you plus they may give some helpful info relevant to services in US. You can always send them a private message.
Its a tough time now, the media tells us it every 10 seconds, and we read about it on Facebook etc, it rubs off on everyone.
Post meningits I was terrible, mood swings, depression (I've always had it). The last few days have been tough for me.. I have major decision to make. And feel like I'm totally alone in them.
Getting third party counselling after my meningitis was a huge relief, sometimes you need someone separate from the family, or even friends, who can just listen while you talk
I have this: eponis.tumblr.com/post/1137...
Pinned up in various places around the house, sometimes having a read helps, sometimes I need a distraction, sometimes some moody music for a good cry, or something uplifting to dance alone.
This emotional music sometimes helps me let it out:
Sometimes a bit of The Cat Empire is uplifting.
There may be a similar support organisation in the USA:
Which can help directly.
Wishing you all the best.
Hi, Im sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I'm also in the US. I had meningitis 6 months ago and I am just starting to feel a little better. My doctors told me I would feel better in a few weeks!
I try to leave the house at least once a day now, even if it to just walk to the mailbox. I started feeling quite depressed because of the length of the illness. I was so certain I would feel better by now. So getting out is helping my mood. I have also started seeing a Naturopath.
I dont think meningitis is understood by my family, or even the doctors. This site has helped me so much. Through this site I found others who did not bounce back to normal in three weeks. I found others who struggle with headaches and extreme exhaustion months and months after Vm/Bm.
So just know you are not alone. Things will get better. Allow yourself time to heal. Rest.
Thank you! What does your naturopath tell you to help? I try to eat healthy and drink lots of water, I drink only water actually. So thankful for this website! Wish we had a meningitis now in the u.s.
My Naturopath put me on adrenal support, trace minerals and probiotics. He also talked about eating more green vegetables (and eating more as I have lost 40lbs). Steaming or cooking them for now and working toward more raw foods. The stress on my body had effected my adrenal glands. The M.D. told me I have Chronic Fatigue syndrome and it will take a few years to feel better. That wasnt good enough for me, I just cant go on feeling so badly. The naturopath gave me hope.
Hi, I'm from the U.S. on the west coast,small town. VM 7 months ago took at least 6 months to feel 70% close to normal, fatigue, word search, confusion, emotional turmoil, irritability,loss of hearing.Had IV steroids after hospital, then predizone taper for 2 wks Had zomig for ongoing headaches, lorazepam for anxiety, muscle relaxers for spasms. I had a neurologist for 12 years, she was the help, regular md's don't know enough, kept telling me I couldn't have symptoms? Natural path helped with vit c IV / with glusothone for inflammation. I lost 20 lbs during VM attack and haven't been able to gain it back. Basic housework start/stop/rest overwhelming can't imagine having children, I couldn't take care of myself. That in itself is depressing . Take care wish I could put some time behind you to get you better faster. Talking to someone that understands will help, and they can show empathy for where you are and the journey that lies ahead. Positive vibes headed your way.
Thank you! It has been 5 months for me now... Seems like yesterday and yet seems like forever. I'm from the Midwest. I am thinking of trying something for anxiety, just can't take it on my own. I'm glad you are feeling better! Thanks for the positive vibes and information!