can reacuring headaches after viral menigit... - Meningitis Now

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can reacuring headaches after viral menigitis be treated?

s4mm1e profile image
9 Replies

i had viral meningitis just over 2 years ago and never got rid of the headache after, i have recently had a baby 5 weeks ago and the only time i didnt have headache was during my pregnancy, they started again almost straight away

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s4mm1e profile image
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9 Replies
Jonad724 profile image

Hi, I had a very serious attack of VM 10 years ago and I have also been left with a permanent heachache so although it does vary in individuals it is quite commmon to be left with a headache of some sorts. For a long time after I went back to work (just under 6 months) I would ignore it and just keep going like I had before but this just made it worse and so I have recognised that whilst I always have what you might call a 'background' headache it does get significantly worse if I get tired or over do things mentally or physically.

What worked for me was keeping a diary of what I had done that day and at what intensity the headache was so that when I got a particularly bad one I could see what the triggers were. I suspect for you a 5 week old baby is probably not helping in physical and mental tiredness stakes and so it might be worth thinking about some simple coping strategies like meditating (I've had kids so I know how difficult this can be) or try listening to Paul McKenna's 'Relaxation' CD (It comes with a book and CD) both of which help me to cope and do ease it at least for a while.

There is though light at the end of the tunnel and this year I am competing in my first half ironman triathlon, headache and all, so it doesn't have to be a life limiter you just have to be a bit more patient as to how you approach things. If your baby isn't a 'sleeper' (my eldest wasn't!) then coping strategies are vital so working out a way of coping with all that's going on really helps rather than letting it 'happen' to you. I know its tough and with a baby its even more so but two years after an attack isn't really that long in terms of recovery so hang in there.

There is lots of support around as well. The Meningitis Trust (they're the reason I'm doing the half ironman as I'm raising money) has a helpline on 0800 028 18 28 staffed by nurses who really do know what they're talking about, there's an 'I had viral meningitis' Facebook group here and also this forum.

You might also want to read my other blog posts (jonad724) amongst others here: meningitis.healthunlocked.c... as I do know what it's like and I'm proof positve that you can move on even if things won't always necessarily be the same. Hope this helps. J

Jonad724 profile image

My blog posts are here: meningitis.healthunlocked.c... if you're interested

hols606 profile image

Hey I had meningitis just under a year ago and the headache never left even after all the pills from the hospital so instead I had 6 sessions of acupuncture. Now I barely ever get headaches and just need a top up session every six months. :)

hannahg profile image

I've had re-occuring bouts of meningitis and the headaches after was at times was a nightmare I tried a number of things migrane remedies, lying in a quiet dark room, but unfortunately it didn't work, then somehow I heard of forehead you can but it in most places, it herbal and so does not have the side effects tablets do, but I found it amazing and you just apply it when you have a headache, since I found it I always carry it in my bag, but I no longer suffer with them as much, I used what I call the stick/rub, but there are also the pads you can apply on the forehead, hope it helps :) remember these headaches do go away, just takes time.

fwaliji profile image
fwaliji in reply to hannahg

Hi, sorry I don't get your post. Did you say the ointment is called Forehead? Where can I get it?

SEMIOVALE profile image

I had Meningitis Septicaemia 6 years ago now, unfortuately headaches has become a way of life.... I know it sounds odd, but you kind of get use to them... Unfortuately for me headaches a just one of many after effects from it. I think half the battle is accepting this is it, it won't get much better than this... Just have to get on with my life, but that took me abour four years to realise that...

I have heard that oxygen breathed through a mask is very good for some people... I personally take a cocktail of drugs just to get through the day, been like it for 6 years... and it will be very hard with a little baby, and the tiredness will not help...

Tiga profile image

i had a few after, but i think, fear bought mine of i was so sacred that it would come back, i bought a lot of ice sticks from the £1 shop, as boots it is about £5, and evey time i had one, i would rub it on my forehead, and drank cool drinks to help, i cut a lot of sugar out, and made a note of what foods trigard it as well,

i hope you feel well soon


HoneysGranny profile image

I had VM 3 weeks ago ( so still in early days) and i have been left with a constant bumping beating sound in my brain/head/ears. It gets worse when i am rest or is quiet. Its there all the time and i have a feeling that it might be here to stay so i just now trying ignoring it. I think its quite common from what i have read to be left with lifelong headaches. It is a bit depressing to think that. I hope your headaches stop though it doesn't sound as if there is any cure for them for some people. You could ring the Meningitis Trust as they have brilliant 24 hour advisers. xx

icarroll profile image
icarroll in reply to HoneysGranny


what you have described as a bumping / beating sound in ear is very similar to what i experienced just before the full effects of VM struck me. i thought is was an inner ear infection. I am still recovering from VM i contracted back in May of this year, and i am still out of work with the effects. it will pass, but rest and take things easy is all can suggest.

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