Financial Assessment what to charge for rent? - Mencap


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Financial Assessment what to charge for rent?

sammyg50 profile image
5 Replies

I have to do a self assessment for my son who lives at home with us, he is 27

He gets PIP and this is what we use for food, bills ect

On the form it asks about contribution to rent, we have no mortgage but should we be charging him a deb and board? if so what should i put down as a fair amount?

I feel if he was a "normal" 27 year old he would certainly contribute towards the household bills.

Any advice would be great

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5 Replies
BenjiB profile image

Not sure on rent but look at the average for a room in your area and go from there. Or add up your bills/food etc and divide by the number of people. I’ll warn you though as he’s living at hime they rarely take it into account. There are several posts on this if you do a search.

sl20 profile image

Hi if your son is not working he should also be able to claim unemployment benefits. My son has esa but I believe now it would be universal credit. Check what he is entitled to via the citizens advice.

Mybestfriends profile image

Hi there, I would write down all your Bills & divide each by 3, that's if your married, as in 3 people paying each Bill. Elec, Gas, C.Tax, Water, Rent, Food, Clothes, Cleaning & Essentials, Petrol, Phones. I spoke to Rent about this & she said they would expect Son to contribute/pay atleast £75 a week,

Tracidu profile image

Hi , I add up all our household bills and food and we pay half each . My son is 39 and lives at home with me . I have had this conversation with social workers in the past, they never seem to know the rules themselves . They never go through the full costs of his homecare which is anoying , when I recieve the assessment reporr I am shocked at the tiny ammounts they allow him for certian things which has been the same for years , I am going to have it all written down for his next assessment which I dont suppose they will take any notice of as thier job is to claw some pay back...I do what I think is fair .

There are lots of things that I pay for myself for him and I have only his best interest at heart I look after all his personal care and social care 24/7 I do not recieve carers allowance as I am on the state pension .

If you recieve any social care such as daycentres , respite ect they work out how much he has to pay towards it as you porbably already know , sorry if im stateing the obvious . Good luck with your assessment .

Florence2020 profile image

Hi Sammyg50

I'm interested to know how you got on with the financial assessment?

We are in the process of my daughter receiving day care provision and I have been asked to complete the forms, she is 21, has learning difficulties and epilepsy. My daughter lives with my husband and I and I am unsure how to show her expenses. The UC and PIP money go into paying for bills, transport etc and making sure she has all she needs.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

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