Let's start by stating the obvious. Belonging, getting out and about in our communities, seeing friends and playing costs a bit of money but we all do it because it makes us happier, healthier and therefore less likely to become sick or depressed and less likely to call on the help of the NHS and social services. Over the years governments have supported the rights of those with disabilities because we are a civilised society and, maybe more pragmatically, because it is cheaper than the the way it was in the past keeping people separated and behind closed doors. My son is very lucky to be in an amazing supported living environment but he, like everyone else, is still impacted by the creeping contributions demanded from personal income to supplement care. We all know there is underfunding but - it is important to be clear here - what has become a problem, are the INCREASING PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS demanded out of individual benefits towards social services for anyone needing any support, (my son repays 40% of his benefits to social services who give them to him in the first place). This money has leapt sky high in the past year and is setting up some for more dependance on family and others for increasing poverty as any savings gradually dwindle. So. The obvious. This is a desperately short-term policy, it undermines years of hard won progress in getting people into an equal and valued life; belonging is vital to physical and emotional health and isolation brings problems that will cost money later. We do need to start making this case pretty loudly and soon.
Social Services Contributions - Another fight! - Mencap
Social Services Contributions - Another fight!

There is a campaign to scrap social care charging. Look up Inclusion London and others such as social care warriors. Add your voice to the campaign.
I agree that while services have been reduced or unavailable during covid these fees have been increasing. The government has to take ultimate responsibility, but they probably won't without pressure from interested groups.
Absolutely well said, we are pretty much in the same situation, where all of a sudden our son has been receiving bills for his client contribution. However my big question is “ what is he paying for” as back at the beginning of 2020 when this covid thing struck his p.a support collapsed ,as people were not willing to come into his home for fear of catching something. That has remained through till present day, so for the whole of last year and the eight months of this years our son has received 20 hours of support from his one and only remaining p,a, who has been double jabbed and has remained in our bubble all the way through. Although he has had two holiday periods this year and is about to have another one so the total support has been laid at the feet of my wife and I . So I have now sent our local authority an itemised bill for all the weeks and months of cover and the incurring costs to us as a family and to our son as an individual. They are now in the process Of passing the buck internally as they really don’t know how to deal with this, as I have already sent them a reminder that my bill is still as yet unpaid. We do as you say need to start shouting about this and pretty soon.
Oh Well Done. I sent back costings to them for some things we do with love and care. But they wouldn't agree to contributions for rent, council tax etc. It has caused me so much stress trying to itemise things. Then I said about things like barrier cream, cleanser, moisturiser things that we don't really think about on a day to day basic. So they wanted more costings. I gave up I was so stressed and didn't answer anymore. But I know it will come back at me soon and await it every day. I don't understand when they keep mentioning the £25 allowance?? It's all a whitewash. As if we haven't got enough to do with 2 adults who can't help themselves. I worry every day for the future. Despite people telling me I shouldn't!!
I fully agree with your post , my son lives with me , all his day care and respite came to a halt in March 2020 yet he still had to pay his contribution towards his care , the reason I was given is that the County Council were still paying the daycare companies so as they could stay open in the future , I agreed with this when it first started not realising it was going to go on for so long , he is paying for nothing , Essex County council or local council do not supply daycare it's contracted to a private company, I have contacted ECC and was told it was up to the care company to decide when it was opening and to contact my MP if I'm not happy , I was shocked at the lack of empathy yet they were still taking his contribution. The daycentre is still not open fully and I was told it was those who shout the loudest get the places , this is totally unacceptable. I eventually got through to head office of the company , they didn't seem to know what was happening in my sons day centre , but low and behold the manager at the centre phoned last week to offer him one day back , he is contracted there for 3 days per week .
The staff seem to be happy with the situation as it is, so it's a waste of time putting any concerns across , I dont want my son to loose the one day.
Contributions assessment make no sence , they do not allow for adults living at home with a parent to pay housekeeping, or daycare activities or lunch let alone all the other things a man of 36 needs , I do all his personal care . He has challenging behaviour, OCD , non verbal , severe learning disabilities so it has been very hard for me the last 18months and also for him to be so isolated, he is still paying his contributions
I had he same through lockdown, paying for care I didn’t receive-I questioned this with the local financial assessments team and they have repaid it all thankfully but if yours won’t go official complaints procedure and contact the local ombudsman (I’ve done this over another issue and although stressful and time consuming they did pay up eventually). Do persevere and good luck