Today I'd like to hear from you if you are a volunteer befriender or you have a befriender, and what that relationship mean to you? You might be a carer or relative of someone who has a befriender. Have you noticed the difference it has made to them? Please share any personal experiences. Many people report that seeing their befriender is the highlight of their life. What do you think makes a good befriender?
Befriending relationships and what they mean to you. - Mencap
Befriending relationships and what they mean to you.
Need some inspiration? Have a look on social media #BefriendingIs
Nina wanted to share her experiences, this is what she wrote: "I have volunteered for Kingston Mencap Seekers Group for 6 years now, and it is a role that has brought me so much joy. During lockdown I wanted to continue to help out, and remind our members that they were not alone and that support was still there for them. Becoming a befriender to Carmen was a great experience. We chatted and caught up with each other regularly. With teamwork we managed to get her connected to others, and able to continue to join in with Kingston Mencap activities, through accessing Zoom for the first time. When I asked what she wanted to say about this experience she said that she had found it helpful, that she had now gotten the hang of Zoom and that she had learnt a lot. She reported she now feels closer to the other members. This experience has shown that something really wonderful and positive can come out of a very difficult time. I too feel I have gained so much from my time spent with her, and it is something I will never forget." Nina