The Answer Cancer Foundation has launched a moderated online virtual caregivers support group that meets twice a month online/ via phone. It is a peer-to-peer based organization. The target participants would be caregivers of advanced cancers, all types, and those recently bereaved.
I have not personally checked them out, but will try to do so over the next month by joining one of the caregiver supports virtually using GoToMeeting. If anyone else gives them a try, I'd like to hear about your experience in this forum. Missy
Here are the details from Inspire:
Hello Everyone,
Please join us this Tuesday night 1/221/19 for our advanced cancer caregivers virtual support group. If you are a caregiver for someone with advanced cancer, or you know anyone who is, please let them know about this group. And we welcome the recently bereaved. Our peer moderators have both lived as caregivers to advanced cancer patients and also lost partners to cancer.
Answer Cancer's Advanced Cancer Caregiver Virtual Support Group meets 8 p.m. Eastern time (5p Pacific) on both the first and third Tuesdays of the month. (Please note that only the month of January is an exception to this. After this January 22 meeting, we will return to the regular schedule with the next meeting on February 5.) The group is FREE & DROP-IN; join online or by telephone - you can find the instructions for joining at the end of the message.
AnCan's caregiver meeting is a gentle, supportive, upbeat, peer-led space to talk - or just listen - about caregiving for any type of advanced cancer. We talk about whatever you wish to discuss - it is your time and space to talk about any- and everything caregiver related. We also welcome those who have recently lost loved one to discuss coping strategies.
Renata Louwers, Debra Swiderski and Susan Lahaie co-moderate. Joining instructions are below; you can phone in or join via computer with just audio or audio plus video. All are welcome - it's free and drop-in!
We hope to talk with you soon; please e-mail us with any questions. For more information please visit our website If you have specific questions about the caregiver's group, you can reach me at You can reach AnCan for more general questions at
We hope to talk with you soon!
Renata Louwers
Answer Cancer Meeting Room
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