Interesting articles on clumsiness an... - Myalgic Encephalo...
Interesting articles on clumsiness and brain info
Thanks - now I have to worry about my brain shrinking too!!!
I have gotten so clumsy - walking into doors and WALLS (I still don't know how I managed that). I drop more cups but that is due to falling asleep while having a coffee (lost count of the amount of times I ended up wearing it instead of drinking it) and the bruises and cuts that appear make me think the wife is attacking me in my sleep
Good read thanks.
Haha... At least you now and can blame it on ME rather than being a peevin squeevin 😂😂 I'm kind of relieved it's in there as I'm sure my doctor sees me coming and thinks what now 🙄. Certainly reassures me it's not all in my head or should I say it is all in my head 😳.
Interesting bit about walking. Explains why it's easier to walk somewhere where it's quiet, with no other people around and all you have to do is concentrate on not tripping over your feet, why it's impossible to look around you and walk at the same time and that I'm not the only one who sticks their arms out to balance on the rare occasions I'm not in my chair or using crutches.
Makes me feel almost 'normal'!
Yes! My vision goes wonky when there is over stimulation. Sad that it has come to this as always ran at a rate of knots and lived on adrenaline. Good that I am not going mad and others feel the same. I do the funny walk thing too!
Very interesting, I've noticed I see a cat bowl full of food a few steps infront of me so I know to step over it but by the time I've reached it I've forgot and seem to always step on it n either knock it over or have cat food all over my sock! I also find if a group of people are walking towards me I have to stop walking and close my eyes n have to hold on to my shopping trolley as I go dizzy n start swaying in a backwards n forwards motion, same happens if I'm around lots of foreign or noisy speaking people or if I'm walking along n a noisy car/Lorry or car stereo playing, I just have to stop walking and close my eyes and hold on to something.
Blinkin White brain cells ! 🙄