I set out early on Sunday morning to avoid the majority of dog walkers.
I really enjoyed the RunGo app, so a big thanks to Linda and Roseabi for organising the event and setting up the App. I particularly liked the samba band near the start - it really got the atmosphere going!
This was my third half marathon since completing my first six weeks ago. I felt much more in control and on top of it, probably the experience of knowing that you can and will get to the end. I managed to complete the first 5k in my second fastest time, and went on to set PBs for all the other distances, including 6 minutes off my previous half marathon, helped greatly by being part of a wider event.
I finished tired, but feeling good. After a short recovery, I walked home & then went for a walk with my wife a couple of hours later. That’s when the trouble started. My right knee locked up while walking, and I had to hobble round a bit to ease it off. By evening, I couldn’t put weight on my knee, I really struggled to get up stairs, and couldn’t come downstairs at all! I went to bed not knowing if it was an injury that would curtail my running for a while, or if it was just a twinge.
One day later, the jury is still out, but it feels much better. However, it makes me realise that I have let my strength and conditioning training slip. This has served as a reminder that the strength training is an integral part of the running, not an optional extra.
The HUHM event has been a huge success - its a great way to “bring people together”, so thanks again to Linda and Roseabi for organising it, and I hope there will be many more of them in the future.