What are your favourite running snack... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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What are your favourite running snacky snacks ( inspired by misswobble)

ju-ju- profile imageju-ju-Marathon31 Voters

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21 Replies
ju-ju- profile image

I love Watermelon candy kittens .... mmmmm

ju-ju- profile image

I ran the Exmoor marathon with an amazing lady that had 2 cheese and onion pasties, sandwiches, fruit and skittles... the pasty was a step too far for me...

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

One of the things that appeals to me about endurance sports is the eating training - must add cheese and onion pasties to the list... :D

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to roseabi

she was amazing, she had run 62 marathons including the Marathon Des Sables...so she knows her stuff. She taught me loads about hydration etc as well...

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

Wow, that is hardcore, I love it! I reckon the Marathon des Sables is too rich for my blood, but I was looking at this video about the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc the other day omg...


Kallyfudge profile image
KallyfudgeMarathon in reply to roseabi

One of the youtubers I watch did UTMB this year, it looks great! I want to get a marathon in this year if possible. Havent tried running and eating yet as only up to HM distance. Did my first HM distance yesterday :)

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Kallyfudge

Good stuff - how did you feel?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to Kallyfudge

wow well done you :)

roseabi profile image

Mars Bars get my vote, although I am experimenting with home-made energy balls at the moment. Will be reporting soon :) I am so over gels...

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to roseabi

oooh yes, please do a reportage and recipe share :)

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

Yes ma'am!

Minimaxi profile image

Banana before and Clif Bars after a run!

So far I've only ran up to 9k, so haven't felt the need to eat during a run yet.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon

I've started to realise that I need something on longer runs now. I've tried jelly babies - yuk, too sweet and sticky; dates - um, a bit too sugary (although I love dates normally); jelly beans - yuk, same as jelly babies; flapjack-y things - yuk, too dry and sticky, I nearly choked.

I've settled on Clif Shok Bloks - don't know how you spell them, but I really like them. They're like eating squares of jelly but not as tough or as sweet :)

AndyD profile image

Sports Beans from Go Outdoors :-)

Tomas profile image

Hi 5 Iso Gels Citrus Plus with Caffeeine

ActonHighStreet profile image

Outside of the marathon, sugary energy drinks are enough for me. I really don't like carrying things while I run.

Unfitdad59 profile image

I never eat when running, just drink water if it is a long one, but my fave end of run snack would be a flap jack, or banana.

C3PO profile image

I've usually run with an energy bar. Now I'm transitioning to gels and jelly babies. I drink regular water.

Hillrunner2201 profile image

Pre-run it's always dried fruit and nuts. I wouldn't eat anything whilst running under 15 miles. For long runs I use science in sport gels as they're less sweet than most gels and I'm not keen on real food whilst running.

AdamB profile image
AdamBHalf Marathon

It's got to be bananas (cut into halves if necessary). The skins are a bit of a pain to hang onto until you pass a rubbish bin, but they hit the spot.

marc_read profile image

jelly babies please