Do you include intervals in your trai... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Do you include intervals in your training?

ju-ju- profile imageju-ju-Marathon29 Voters

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5 Replies
John_W profile image

Twice a week! :-) And both on your favourite - the treadmill! YAAYYY!

(1) endurance intervals: akin to 400 or 800m efforts on the treadmill - 3-5 mins long with 2 minute recovery jogs in-between

(2) sprint intervals: based on the C25K+ "speed" podcast - 8x 1 minute efforts .

I know *you* don't need telling JJ, but I'll re-iterate to everyone reading - intervals are by far the most time-efficient and effective method of making you quicker.

PS Still sorting my Rio photos! :-)

Fat_stab profile image
Fat_stab in reply to John_W

John I agree on both accounts..

Interval training is theb est way to improve your speed, and that the best place to do them is on a treadmill esp if it is a quality machine with a Interval facility like a lot of life Fitness machines.

PippiRuns profile image

Also twice a week for me. I've never not done it, so I can't really say how it has or hasn't improved my speed, but I am convinced it is effective as I am continuously getting faster πŸšΆπŸƒπŸšΆπŸƒπŸšΆπŸƒ

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

Yes, I do intervals - no it hasn't made any difference at all! I do them because I like the buzz afterwards.

misswobble profile image

I don't think about them as intervals I just speed up in runs when I get the chance to make my heels crack.

The idea of setting out with the idea of running intervals bores me to death 😊