What are your holiday plans? - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
What are your holiday plans?
Please select one:
No holiday unless we manage to find some money down the back of the sofa.
Staycation .. days out with my son 😊
The PG tips option made me laugh
I am in Italy visiting family for a couple of weeks. Done my first 4 miles today, this morning before 7 there were already 30 degree and they say it is not hot... I have been in the UK for far too long!!!
i like going away, further afield would be great but more expensive! so just europe if we can.
I hope everyone is enjoying these polls! I can think of more!
The UK is in Europe lol
Already been on mine - to France - and it rained but when it was hot, boy was it hot. Got to run a few times though.
A week at Loggerheads as per 😊
I don't have holidays as such - I am a spoilt brat that lives in 2 gorgeous places half and half, can't really ask for more than that.