Do you listen to music when you run - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Do you listen to music when you run

ju-ju- profile imageju-ju-Marathon42 Voters

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6 Replies
agedsnailspace profile image

I mainly listen to audio books, but I do have some guardian training podcasts (great training runs but the music really does suck!).  Have also been known to use the early runs of C25k as interval runs when I'm short of time.  

Best thing about the books is that I find I'm often encouraged to run an extra km or two in order to finish the chapter. :)

I always listen to music. love listening to music. lady runner at parkrun recently was complaining that people who run with music are anti social and rude. I get the safety argument etc but anti social and rude?? but i don't want to chat to others when I'm running, surely that's my choice? 

old_git profile image

Not very often, especially when running on country roads.  Not just cars but cyclists creep up on you 😊

ActonHighStreet profile image

Running is pretty much the only time I don't listen to music. Graduating C25K last year was liberating - I feel safer around the streets of inner London with all of my senses to be honest.

Eatcakeandrun profile image

Sometimes I like music, but usually if I listen to anything it is radio 4 dramas, at the moment I am into the Forsyte saga. Or nothing, just birds and the wind  in the trees! 

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

Yes! I can't stand the clump of my feet and my raspy breathing!