A little light relief ‘funny Sunday’ - Macular Society

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A little light relief ‘funny Sunday’

MacularAnn profile image
23 Replies

We all are concious every day and sometimes every hour of the day with our eye problems so I thought I would tell you some funny happenings or should I say macula moments!

So far in my 6 months of being diagnosed with Wet AMD, I have sat in 3 wrong cars on the passenger side, had at least a hundred spillages, read something completely different to others and commented only to be looked at with confusion, this weekend I saw my sister sitting on a settee with a parsnip behind her shoulder that turned out to be the corner of a pillow. Whilst watching tv with my daughter on a dining programme, I watched everyone being greeted sucking an ice lolly, it turns out they were sipping champagne! Cutting the veg with too sharp a knife can be tricky just a small nick today!

In fairness I cope quite well as long as I take my time and don’t challenge the Macular!

I am sure there are many funny stories shared by many, I think humour helps!

Happy Sunday, good luck this week to all, next injections for me this week!

Ann x

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MacularAnn profile image
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23 Replies
Codeblack7 profile image

Thanks MacularAnn

I loved it. I am not sure what comes first a positive attitude or a great sense of humor!

Codeblack7 profile image


I lost the central vision in my right eye due to macular edema. The eye has so many floaters they run together like a hair net. I get Eyelea injections every 2-3 months. The incident that is funny now was anything but at that time. I am Catholic and I took Communion to home bound parishioners. An older lady died and the family wanted me to help at mass. My duty was to hold the wine chalice for those who wanted to receive it-to make the story short: I did not realize that my depth perception changed,I missed a step,fell and wine went flying. I had wine dripping off my face. A small crowd gathered including the priest. At a funeral no less. I was not injured. My family doesn't let me forget.

MacularAnn profile image
MacularAnn in reply to Codeblack7

Oh bless you, that is so funny! No wonder the family don’t let uni forget it!

Hope all going well for you.

kind regards


Ha ha x

My hubby and I both have eye probs and we often have conversations at cross purposes about something we think we've seen on the tv. It usually turns out we're both wrong!

MacularAnn profile image
MacularAnn in reply to

Yes it is so funny to be at cross purposes! Hope you are well! Best regards

Ann x

Emelinep profile image

Thank you Ann made me chuckle. Some of our posts make me a bit depressed. Nice to have a laugh after all we are luckier than many.

MacularAnn profile image

Lovely of you to comment, yes we are I look out the window each day and am grateful to see what I can see! Glad you had a chuckle! Bril xx

2468G profile image

Hi Ann

Thanks for the chuckle. You have a great attitude.

Makes me realise I am still doing ok visionwise. Haven't yet spotted any vegetables growing out of anyone's shoulders. Will let you know if I do.

Good luck with this week's injection.

Best wishes to you. 2468G

MacularAnn profile image

Hi 2468G, no new sightings this week so far! Although whilst washing my mum in palliative care yesterday I did try and put her teeth in upside down! And the bowl of water I was washing her with had a nasty spill on the bed as I soaked her hands, but I was ahead of the game and had lots of towels under the bowl just in case! A very lucky escape! My mum has still her wonderful sense of humour despite being frail, so we always see the funny side of things!

Yes Thursday is looming for the injections but hey it’s only Tuesday!

Hoping all is well with you?

kind regards


2468G profile image
2468G in reply to MacularAnn

Hi Ann.

You and your mum sound a great team. Lovely to hear she still has a sense of humour even though she is frail. I hope she eventually got her teeth in straight.

I'm ok thanks. A macular check in about 5 weeks. Good luck to you for Thursday.

Best wishes.

MacularAnn profile image
MacularAnn in reply to 2468G

Thanks for your lovely comment, my mum and I are very close, bringing up 9 children and having a formidable husband needed a good amount of humour! Good luck for your check up in 5 weeks.

Kind regards

Ann xx

Bobbie915 profile image

Thanks for the laugh, Ann. I feel very fortunate that I am able to laugh at myself, not everyone can. One of the many things that have happened since loosing a lot of my sight is, when typing an email I put Hi in the subject. Only when my daughter asked why did I also send the email to a taxi company, did I realise the Hi went into the cc not the subject! Yes, loosing perspective is a big problem, especially with touch screens. Keep on laughing, it's good for you. x x x

MacularAnn profile image
MacularAnn in reply to Bobbie915

Oh yes I know what you mean, as a matter of fact I was just going to reply to you and tapped the privacy settings below!

I think it takes a minute or two to process when looking at a task on our iPads and tablets.

Best of luck and lots of laughs to you.

kind regards


pinkperfection profile image

Yes like everyone else this made me laugh and made me think perhaps there is still some enjoyment with MD. I am amazed at how positive you are, keep up the good work.

MacularAnn profile image

I do feel humour is the best medicine and a way to live more happily, the injection days are enough stress for us all to cope with, so I try to limit the days of discomfort. Will update with some more mishaps going forward.

kind regards

Ann x

tc68 profile image

I enjoyed reading your post - nice that you can find some humor in your situation! I'm guessing you have it in both eyes? I just have it in one so still have one good eye - though the bad one makes things blurry!!!

MacularAnn profile image

Hi tc68, so lovely to receive you comment, yes I am having injections in both eyes, I try and keep positive most of the time and the funny things that happen along the way are best met with humour.

This week I received good news that the leakage in both eyes had improved a little with the Eyelea injections although I have to continue with monthly injections.

I’m afraid my humour disappeared for 48 hours after my injections from a reaction to my system where I was in a darkened room barely able to lift my head to the light and flat out with flu like symptoms, good old black and white films saved the day as I tried listening!

So I am getting back on happy form, wearing my clothes inside out until told, looking forward to Valentine’s Day! Perhaps not! That’s the date for the next injections, never mind I will find the romance on another day!

Look after that blurry eye hoping all goes well for you.

Kindest regards


2468G profile image
2468G in reply to MacularAnn

Hi Ann

Love your posts.

Glad you had a bit of good news regarding your eyes. Always a relief.

Sorry to hear you got the dreaded flu. So much of it around. Hope you are feeling better.

Hope you and your mum are having a good week. 2468G

MacularAnn profile image
MacularAnn in reply to 2468G

Hi 2468G, lovely to hear from you, so glad you enjoyed my posts, I ventured out first day after injections to see my Mum today, so essential to try and lift her spirits as she was not her happy self due to her chronic cough and a very painful hand, so with a lot of TLC and reassurance she came around a little, as sitting by her side I noticed little black ant like insects crawling around her covers, so I tried to move them with my hand, but I soon realised it was a lot of little black floaters caused by the sunlight hitting my eyes, we soon calmed down and laughed it off!

Hope all going well for you, when do you go next for your injection/injections.

Kindest regards


2468G profile image
2468G in reply to MacularAnn

Oh my word Ann. Sounds like everytime you visit your mum you have an interesting experience. I can imagine your horror thinking mum was covered in ants. Relief but then more horror when you realised it was floaters. Hope they disappeared with the sunlight. At least it gave you and mum a chuckle when you recovered.

I'm back at hospital in 3 or 4 weeks for a scan to check CNV at the macular clinic and I'm waiting for another field test as the last one seemed inconclusive at the glaucoma clinic. I Wonder how many more eye clinics I will end up attending. They are certainly thorough so I'm not complaining. X

MacularAnn profile image
MacularAnn in reply to 2468G

Hi, we have so much to contend with don’t we? You sound as if you have quite some issues and complications to deal with, I feel you are a lovely and positive person so you will get there I’m sure.

I am 70 but don’t feel it and see the wonderful older patients being led into have their injections, so bravely often with a smile on their sweet faces, they give me great inspiration.

I see to come out hardly being able to see and not able to get back on my feet as quick I would like. I have a high threshold to pain but I am hypersensitive to most medications, With a compromised immune system.

Life is so precious we have to keep positive, so hoping your next visit will give you good prognosis. Let’s keep smiling when can.

Kindest regards

Ann xxx

2468G profile image

Thanks Ann. Will let you know how I get on.

Take care. Best wishes. X

MacularAnn profile image

Yes please do! Love Ann x

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