Left leg dragging and numb. - The Roy Castle Lu...

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Left leg dragging and numb.

17 Replies

Wondering if anyone suffering from this and what is the cause. Started 3 weeks ago, numbness and tingling and them I noticed I have to be really conscious of lifting left foot or it drags along the floor. I'm so sad about this because it's stopped me going cycling, it won't stay on the pedal. I hate this vile thing it takes any joy you had left. The cancer is in upper vertebrae and left pelvis, started in lung. Could it be something pressing on nerves down my leg. Hope someone can help. Thank you x

17 Replies
Ollie13 profile image

Loimie sorry to hear your having a bad time at the moment. Yes cancer is and always will be a horrible illness. Regarding your leg you must report this to your team so it can be investigated sooner than later. That's what your team are for. Let us know how things go my thoughts are with you ❤

in reply to Ollie13

Hi Ollie just rang the hotline, felt a nuisance at first but the lady said they want to know any changes in you health in between visits. Asked me to describe the symptoms and if calf is hot and painful, which it’s not, they were worried it was a DVT. I go on 4 November so will discuss further, sending love and best wishes, thank you. Pam x

in reply to Ollie13

Hi Ollie, how are you? Just an update on my drop foot. Contacted Dr Summer at Christie, she wanted a urgent MRI scan do see if it was connected to cancer. Admitted on Thursday of last week. All investigations were conducted quickly. At first they assumed spinal compression due to my fractured lower vertebrae which I've had for a while with my osteoporosis. Saw Dr Summer for results yesterday, the good news is its not the cancer. I was thoughourly checked for nerve damage, stoke etc. The final diagnosis made is slight compression on spine which will correct itself with minor non invasive treatment. I'm on Dexamethasone steroid to stabalise it, but Dr Summer wants to decrease the dose, due to possibility of it affecting immunotherapy. Next session 4 November, I'm also having a very strong bone strengthening drip at the same time and a brain scan, just to rule anything else out but she's pretty sure of diagnosis. My foot is improving daily. Hope all is well and keep in touch. Xxxx

Ollie13 profile image
Ollie13 in reply to

Hi Loimie well that's a good MOT they are really looking after you. I must admit I did like when they put me on Dexamethasone for a few days either side of chemotherapy infusion because for a month no pain re psoriatic arthritis etc. But I'm aware it's a short term drug. I take it you're still in hospital good luck with the immunotherapy and keep us informed how you are keep in touch xx

in reply to Ollie13

Hi Ollie, out of hospital, came home Sunday, the bed situation was terrible, but they try their best. In a short stay ward first, then a corridor, and then a stroke/dementia ward, which I found quite difficult. I believe psoriatic arthritis is very painful. Love and best wishes. Xxx keep in touch.

Ollie13 profile image
Ollie13 in reply to

Glad to hear your out of hospital at least they hopefully sorted you out. What a to do with beds I would dread going into hospital at the moment in case I caught something else 😒. Yes my arthritis is sore they took me off the Sulfasalazine medication something to do with my blood levels 🤔. So we wait for results soon. Take care keep in touch xx

in reply to Ollie13

Hi Ollie, thank you. It's nice to talk to other than family, they're great but I find it difficult sometimes. Only really talk to family, my sister, no neighbour's or anyone else. Can I ask is your cancer stable, how many immunotherapies have you had. My second next week, Atezolizumad, only out 18 months. Consultant said it's long term, some are only 2 years max. It seems it's very effective immunotherapy but I really think it's the individual, and how it goes. I just think sometimes, no planning now for the future. Take care and keep in touch. Xxx

Ollie13 profile image
Ollie13 in reply to

Hi Loimie yes it's nice to chat to strangers rather family as we don't want to burden them but also easier talking to someone in a similar position. In 2018 diagnosed with lung cancer 3b I had my 1st treatment pembrolizumab immunotherapy (is only available for 2yrs ) only had10 sessions as side effects got too much. However it did the trick for me. In 2021 the cancer came back in other lymph nodes I had Radiotherapy which worked but straight after that it had spread to lymph nodes in r collar bone left lung and several in abdomen hence just finished 4 cycles of chemotherapy had a Pet scan last week to see if it's working will see consultant on 3rd November for results 🤞.I think out of all the treatments I preferred immunotherapy it's sad you can only have it once. Yes it's hard looking forward and sometimes you just have to work around treatments. Take care xx

in reply to Ollie13

You've had it tough Ollie, it's hard to stay positive isn't it. Yes I'm hoping it will just be immunotherapy, can stay on it indefinitely. But who knows it may stop working I've got this thing about losing my hair, petty really. Take care. Pam

Ollie13 profile image
Ollie13 in reply to

Hi Pam not at all hair means a lot to us women. That was my first question when my oncologist said chemotherapy. Luckily with the chemotherapy I had I would only loss some 🤔 my long red hair is now short white hair😪 but it will grow back. I always think immunotherapy is definitely the way forward good luck take care will let you know my results next week but here if you want a chat xx Janet

in reply to Ollie13

Yes let me know your results Ollie. I’m glad you didn’t lose all your hair. As for white! Mine would be if I didn’t colour it! It’s a short crop so easy to do! Ah! Janet! My sister’s Janet, she’s 71, 5 years older than me! You take care. Pam xxxx

Brewster24 profile image

Hi Lomie ,Like other ad vice contact your team or lung care nurse .You are right this illness is extremely challenging and can make you feel sad for that which is lost .However in this instance perhaps they can do something to help .Please get help. Good luck Diane .

Beepers7 profile image

Loonies,I experienced a similar situation in my right calf and foot shortly after chemo. It turned out to be a DVT blood clot behind my knee. It took several months to get better. I’m having little problems now. Be sure to get it checked out. Wishing you many good days.

RoyCastleHelpline profile image
RoyCastleHelplinePartnerAsk the NurseRoy Castle

Hi Pam

Sorry to hear of the worry you have with your symptoms. I am not sure what hotline you called, and it is good you do not have any symptoms of a blood clot in your leg. However, it would be strongly advisable not to wait until 4th November and contact your lung cancer nurse specialist or leave word with the oncologist secretary about the change in your symptoms, you can contact them through the hospital switchboard.

I take it your GP knows, as it would be good for you to be urgently assessed with this.

If it is anything pressing on the nerve, the sooner this is attended to your symptoms may improve and you can get back your mobility.

If you cannot get a hold of your lung cancer nurse specialist, keep leaving messages until someone gets back to you.

It is understandably frustrating for you not being able to get on your bike.

If there is anything you would like to discuss you can either email us at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200

All the very best

The Roy Castle Support Team

in reply to RoyCastleHelpline

Thank you so much for your reply. It was Christie's hot line I rang, they just asked about hotness and swelling to rule out DVT. Tried to get hold of Marie my specialist nurse, a lady rang me back and said to ring the hotline again, I've not because I rang them Saturday, Tried my GP but continually engaged. I'll wait now until I go Christie's for bloods on Wednesday. They don't seem to think it's connected to cancer but I'm not sure. Thanks again Pam

RoyCastleHelpline profile image
RoyCastleHelplinePartnerAsk the NurseRoy Castle

Hi PamHope it is not cancer and be good to speak to someone on Wednesday.

All the very best

The Roy Castle Support Team

Tike3 profile image

HelloJust read your post and noticed its from a while back. I have the same problem, I used to cycle a lot but no more due to foot that won't do what I want it to, won't stay on pedal but now worse a can't get around at all. It drags all the time, going upstairs is difficult My Consultant says it's probably due to lung cancer on nerves or the brain mets.

.would really appreciate a reply and I hope things have improved for you.

Best wishes


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