How does one deal with post VATS pain? It has been 16 months since removal of RUL. Why due I have this residual pain?
Post VATS pain: How does one deal with... - Lung Cancer Support
Post VATS pain

I had a VATS LLL about 19 months ago. I'm having some pain in my left back. Not a show stopper, but it is aggravating. It is more so when I'm doing something that uses the particular muscles. I'm presently NED so I can put up with some pain. Hope you are also experiencing no evidence of disease.

Does it feel like you’re being squeezed around the ribs? Is there a burning numbness? Pins and needles? They may have damaged the nerve that runs parallel to the rib.
My discomfort was awful for a while then I got relief with gabapentin. Talk to your doctor to see if that or Lyrica would be best for you. If you take gabapentin tell the doctor you want to start on the lowest possible dose (100mg). It may take a few weeks for your body to get used to it. I wound up only using it at bedtime because it made me sleepy but my doctor had me taking 300 mg. I was able to function better with the low dose.
As for when it will go away, mine still bothers me. Not as much as it did the first couple years after I had my VATS in 2011. I no longer take meds for that as it’s at a tolerable level now.
I’m almost 5 years out and have residual reminders like nerve pain and stuck facia. Those reminders, though, I’m grateful for cause it means I’m still here. It does get better. I found acupuncture helped a lot, still does. Peace out.
Hi I had vats my pain was horrible and it lasted 3 years. They damage nerves when they go in to remove lobe. I didn't think it was ever going away. It hurt so much I cried a lot too even took pain meds. I read up about it. It's something the Dr;s don't tell you. I hope your pain eases and goes away soon. I feel for you. Love susie jo1948
im 2 and half years since surgery and still feel like I have a knife in my back and so much nerve damage to right hand pain killers help the back but NOTHING helps the nerve damage people say gapementin but it didn't help me im ready to try medical marijuana so I can get off the pain killers BUT IM ALIVE THANK THE LORD!!!!