Has anyone had acupuncture for their lymphoedema? - LSN


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Has anyone had acupuncture for their lymphoedema?

Windsor profile image
9 Replies
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Windsor profile image
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9 Replies
queryit profile image

Yes, I tried it - I felt quite safe from infection,

but it made no difference at all to the L.

Perhaps a different practitioner might have

helped more . I've read all the warnings

about infectipn, but found no scientific

evidence that it caused infection and 1

study that concluded it

didn't pose a risk ( I can't remember the

reference) It seems it should help - but

personally I got no results ( nor my mother

who also had a go) Hope someone else

had better luck?

Lynora profile image

Did you mean to say that you WOULD do MLD again one day or would ONLY do MLD if you thought it necessary? (First para)

Many of the patients treated at the big European lymphoedema residential clinics, are put onto anti-biotics during their MLD intensives.

Lynora profile image

I have had acupuncture for migraines (brilliant - worked - changed my life!). I went to a Chinese Medicine doctor - he emigrated here with his family about 20 years ago - he previously taught in a Chinese university hospital.

He took a thorough medical history, and said that he would not do any vene-puncture (put any needles) in the affected quadrant (left side breast cancer 2001). He was meticulous with skin cleanliness on the points he did use, and he made a point of showing me what he was doing as he removed the needles from their sealed packets, and showed me where they were put on completion. He said that he would not try and treat lymphoedema if I had it, but would treat me holistically to boost other systems.

I am a therapist, and have had clients who have been to 'high street' acupuncturists, to be treated specifically for lymphoedema. It didn't work, and invariably a reaction occurred, such as infection. A lot of literature tells us to avoid injections/blood tests etc in the affected limbs - the same should be said of acupuncture.

norberte profile image

hi windsor

i'm a big acupuncture fan too, but not for lymphoedema

i used to go weekly - acupuncture was the best out of everything i'd tried for getting the inflammation & heat in my back to cool down a bit, & i really miss it

but my acupuncturist, who's hong kong-chinese & knows her stuff, works very cleanly, wouldn't dream of putting needles in any of the lymphoedema-affected areas

even with big doses of penicillin every day i'm very good at getting cellulitis & if the skin in my lymph-affected areas breaks for any reason (paper cuts! so annoying!) i get the savlon / tea tree cream & plasters out to try & stop bugs from getting in

however clean the needles, & even though they're tiny, when they get taken out they leave a hole that's plenty big enough for bugs to get in & settle

i still go, less often, & she does what she can to help holistically but she'll only do my back from the waist down

lymphoedema - the gift that keeps on giving!

but, as we all keep saying, everyone's different & in the end you'll have to make your own mind up about whether to give it a go - if you do, though, please take some antibacterial cream & plasters with you!

jinger profile image

I'm sorry but I'd NEVER have accupuncture (using needles) for my lymphoedema. The risk of infection is too great. I've never had cellulitis (touch wood) and will not do anything that could cause it. I am aware how fine the needles are and how you should always find someone qualified upto the eyeballs but something can still go wrong - after all, you are still puncturing your skin. You may as well go get a tattoo whilst you're at it!

There is an alternative to having accupuncture with needles, and that's called electro-accupuncture. It involves a hand held machine run on batteries which gives a tiny electrical charge to the skin. It still involves the same chi lines (If that's what they're called in accupuncture?). It's a little uncomfortable but not unbearable. I had it first done several years ago to help with joint pain before I got my lymphoedema diagnosis. I've not had it done since but know people who have with lymphoedema and they prefer the electro to the needles mainly due to the risk of possible infection.

goodtimes profile image

I go at least 3x a month and they also have a massage therapist who does Lymph drainage and it helps...good luck with your healing

ouggie profile image

Fifteen years ago, when I developed severe Lymphoedema in my legs, I read on the computer that acupuncture was one of the recommended treatments.

Tonight, fifteen years later, I am searching for the same recommendation I originally found. Instead of phrasing the results of acupuncture, I am finding negative comments.

The last 15 years I have treated my condition with acupuncture with GREAT SUCCESS.

Without these treatments, I would have been like so many of the photos I located on this site today. I was on my way to being like many of the photos when I started the acupuncture.

Thank heavens I did not find these photos when I was searching 15 years ago. I knew this condition was dangerous. I did experience several of these stages shown in some of the photos. These photos are heart wrenching

. My lower legs remain discolored, but they rarely swell anymore. I just had another treatment yesterday.

The man I go to was trained in China. I do know everyone out there is not properly trained.

I wish I could advise everyone how to choose their doctor. Mine has not taken new clients for several years.

I have a friend who knows another lady who developed Lymphoedema at the same time I did. This lady lives in Beverly Hills. We are the same age, 67. Her Lymphoedema is in her arm following breast cancer, while mine is in both legs.

The Hollywood lady has almost died twice from blood infections. She goes to her Hollywood doctors ,but will not consider trying Chinese medicine.

I have had dozens and dozens of treatments within the last 15 years. Never an infection or a problem. Without these treatments I doubt my legs would be anywhere near the condition I enjoy now. I should wear the compression socks daily, but I do not. Too difficult to put on. If I did, I imagine the discoloration in my feet and ankles would be much less.

Bluedolffin profile image

Yeah it did not work for me.

Jeanne53 profile image

I know this is old, but wanted to let you know that while acupuncture by two different practitioners yielded no results for me, chinese herbs plus tui na (accupressure massage) did give me great results! Apparently acupuncture isn't strong enough but the combination of a long course of herbs and tui na can make a big difference. Also I am plant-based, that seems to be a common thread for those who've had success reducing lymphedema. So I'd highly recommend you try it. Little downside and it gave me my life back! I wrote a blog about here if that helps: fightlymphedema.com/lymphed.... Good luck!

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