I'm sure many of you would agree that cp and the cold don't mix. Every year I moan and groan (and that's just my muscles and joints) about the cold, damp (or even worse) snowy weather, wishing I could either hibernate or emigrate.
As that is not a possibility I thought that this year I'd get preapre well in advance, getting a sturdy pair of hiking boots that fit both with and without my splints. They are waterproof (very important in the uk!!) so that I don't end up with wet freezing feet, and anyone that has splints will know that getting wet in them is a nightmare... They also have very good grip to help over wet slippy surfaces or if we get the dreaded snow!! - my piedro boots or the trainers I wear over my splints don't have very good grip.
I also bought some gel heat packs, that I find really help when I'm tight and achy, they stay warm for ages, and canbe recharged by putting them into boiling water.
In the next couple of weeks I'm going to block book some hydrotherapy, as this also helps keep me loose and less achy, and means I can still get some exercise when it's harder to get out and about. As the temperatures begin to drop I seem to get tighter and less motivated to get out and about apart from going to work.