First blood test reveals liver function problms. Heartbroken.
New: First blood test reveals liver function... - Liver4Life
I’m so sorry. Your bilirubin?
Yes, my hepatologist watches bilirubin, as well as other labs. But he says bilirubin is the true liver function test. Which labs did you have?
Ive had 1st test. Doc just said results are a little high.
Well, don’t alarm yourself until you know. Find out which result he is referring to. Just because some results are high, doesn’t necessarily mean your liver isn’t functioning properly. Most of us have had elevated Alk Phos but with proper treatment that can be gotten under control. Do you have a portal so you can look at lab results?
How long have you been diagnosed with PBC? I’m assuming you take URSO? Was this your first lab since starting treatment?
I’m about to leave for work and won’t be able to connect to HU until I get home this evening. You will have many others respond to you and they will be very helpful. Try not stress until you can talk to your dr and ask him to explain results. 😊🙏🏻
Im completely in the dark about most of what your saying
At this stage don't panic, all sorts of things can cause an elevation in liver enzymes - even if you are fighting a simple infection it can cause the liver to play up (as the liver does 500 different functions one of which is as part of the immune system). An isolated out of range set of liver tests isn't usually cause for concern, doctor should repeat tests and see if there is an ongoing pattern and if there is then should follow up to test why there is an elevation.
Don't fret or get confused about the posts from gwillistexas - she has a diagnosis of one of the auto-immune illnesses of the liver called Primary Biliary Cholangitis and is obviously thinking she's posting on the PBC Health Unlocked forum rather than this general liver one.
At this stage you don't know whether you have anything to be concerned about.
Thanks Katie. Im pretty sure its down to drinking too much alcohol.
If it turns out that alcohol is the issue then well there is only one way to reduce those numbers and that is a change in lifestyle. If you drink a lot then it might need to be a gradual reduction rather than a sudden stop as sudden abstinence can cause withdrawal issues. If you get another high result then seek follow up in the way of a scan to look at the liver to see if it is damaged. High results might indicate liver inflammation, continued liver inflammation is what causes changes in the liver - gradually becoming more fibrous and could eventually lead to cirrhosis. Hopefully this has been identified early enough and lifestyle changes including abstinence will help your liver recover.
Not all liver issues are alcohol related though, however, having anything else wrong with the liver coupled with excess alcohol could be a real issue.
(My hubby has cirrhosis despite being t-total all his life, he has an auto-immune liver disease which went undiagnosed until it was sadly too late and his liver was already seriously damaged).
Let us know how you get on after your next tests.
All the best,
Thank you very much Katie. I need to find a way to anstain I guess. Any thoughts.
If you feel you might be alcohol dependent then organizations such as AA might be relevant and no doubt there are other abstinence programmes available local to you - your GP should be able to sign post you.
Try not to panic. A little high can be a result of alcohol, paracetamol or you may just run a bit high.
Often the Dr will ask for a re-test as well.
If you think you are drinking too much, if you can could you alternate when you are drinking with a glass of the clear stuff?
There is loads of support out there if you’ve decided to change your alcohol consumption.
Even if the numbers are not too bad- does lots of good to cut back.
Even Guinness think so!
I apologize but your post shows on PBC foundation. That’s the only group I’m in, not Liver4Life. 😊
PS If your bio is still accurate- there’s loads you can do to improve your numbers.
Thanks so much. I did W1 R1 yesterday so really am trying. Just a bit weak I guess.
Human! Keep going:). If it helps report back to us!
A little high does not always mean cirrhosis it could be just a fatty liver and all you would need to do is lose weight change your diet to something like a Mediterranean diet cut the junk food and alcohol and you could be fine in a short period of time. Never take anything as a disaster right from the start. They are making advances quickly in this field and by the time (saying you had cirrhosis) you might find they have some sort of cure. Keep looking up and see what transpires.
Slightly elevated LFTs are really really common in almost all GP practices. Most relate to very short term issues such as a bug or infection or even if you've taken a bit of ibuprofen. They'll usually ask for another test just to check if it's still raised or whether its reducing.
I note you have other posts in the Coach to 5k part if Health Unlocked too. A lad where I work did that and really successfully too. Like you he was well overweight, but he managed it with a bit if persistence and now runs almost everywhere, lol.
It's not easy though, and does take a bit of will power. If you are struggling with Walk 1 min Run 1 min, then start with walk 1 min run 30 seconds. Build up from there. If that's troubling then start with just walking and just walk a little faster each time. It'll just take a little longer to reach the end goal. I did start with the C25k for a bit and it does actually work. I didnt persist with it as I started doing other things, but, you do start to notice the difference quite quickly so it's worth giving it a few weeks to see how you go on.
You make reference to your weight in your own bio, so losing some of that will be a great help to both your liver health and overall health. That too takes s lot of will power and perseverance. Been trying to lose a bit of weight myself and resisting those temptations is definitely the hardest bit about it. Stick to it though and you will see the weight drop off. Its not a quick process though if you do it right and in a way you can stick with. Forget the fad diets as these are almost impossible to maintain long term. Just eat sensibly and use more calories each day than you take in. A 400-600 calorie a day difference is very manageable and you'll find that will probably be sufficient for you to drop about 1lb per week or so, which is also a not too onerous target. Try it and see how you go on. You'll probably find your phone will have some sort of free app on it to help you plan and monitor your progress. That's what I use anyway and it seems to be working for me.
Going easy on the old drink is also a good idea for weight loss, liver and general health too. So if you do drink a lot, then cut that down to the minimum. No one needs to drink alcohol to live. Ok it's nice on a social occasion, in moderation, but not necessary outside of that so make that one if your targets too and I'm sure you'll start noticing the difference.