Webinar 3.30pm 20th April
Registration: Managing the psychological impact of treatment relapse here
The overall aim of this webinar is to support patients with managing the psychological impact of treatment relapse.
Treatment relapse and concern of future relapse are difficult challenges for patients to manage. This webinar seeks to explore the different psychological impacts of this: how this may be experienced by different leukaemia patients, how this can be managed and what support is available to patients and their families.
This webinar and panel of experts will explore many of your questions, such as:
• How can a relapse impact on your mental health?
• What techniques can I use to cope with a relapse?
• I am a family member or friend of someone with leukaemia, how I can support them through relapse? How can I support myself?
• Can I be prepared for potentially relapsing in the future?
• What support should I receive at relapse?
• Can charities help?
Audience: Those affected by acute leukaemia treatment relapse, CLL patients whose current treatment has stopped working, or whose disease has returned from previous treatments. CML patients who have run out of treatment options and current treatment doesn't work, or those whose disease has come back while they are on TFR, Family and friends.
We will be Joined on the panel by:
Anne Crook, Counsellor / Psychotherapist, Psycho-oncology, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Patient in treatment remission - TBC
Patient with experience of chronic leukaemia treatment relapse - TBC
Patient with experience of acute leukaemia treatment relapse - TBC
Webinar information LC Website: leukaemiacare.org.uk/suppor...