To improve the experience of employed leukaemia patients as the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions lift.
"We have launched the #LifeVsLivelihood campaign to highlight the ongoing challenges that clinically extremely vulnerable leukaemia patients face as restrictions ease and employers ask people to return to work. Many patients have questions about what these changes mean for them and how they can continue to stay safe. Recent studies have suggested that some leukaemia patients may be less protected by the COVID-19 vaccine. As a result, many leukaemia patients feel they have no choice but to continue to shield as restrictions lift. Due to the increased risk of COVID-19 and possible reduced vaccine efficacy, some leukaemia patients require extra protection and consideration while lockdown eases.
However, the current government guidance for the clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV), including leukaemia patients, on returning to work and reasonable adjustments is unclear and insufficient, as is the advice for employers of these patients."
Leukaemia patients shouldn't have to choose between life and livelihood.
The campaign materials and what you can do
Information to support discussions with employer and downloadable reasonable adjustment request forms.
Contact your MP and downloadable letter templates to help you with this.
Campaign information here :
Download campaign graphics here: